A partnership between:

Introduction to 2023 CDP-ICLEI Track
- 2023 CDP-ICLEI Track Questionnaire: We invite you to respond to the following questions of the 2023 CDP-ICLEI Track questionnaire. Responding jurisdictions will only have to report once per year, on one platform, to the following questions.
- CDP and ICLEI: CDP will use this climate data to provide insights for local and regional jurisdictions, allowing them to track their progress, benchmark their efforts with their peers and drive further action. ICLEI will support subnational jurisdictions with technical assistance and use this data to guide climate action, inform research and analysis activities and represent subnational jurisdictions in global advocacy forums to showcase local and regional climate leadership.
- Online Response System: Please report using CDP’s Online Response System (ORS), accessed via CDP’s website or the activation link you will receive. The User Guide shows all the possible question types that responding jurisdictions may encounter in the ORS. Please note, you must submit your response in the ORS, the system cannot accept responses provided in other formats (i.e., PDF or Word documents).
- Personal Data: It is important that you do not include the name of any individual or any other personal data in your response. For questions that ask for the positions of staff, out of respect for personal data privacy we are asking only for the position and not for the individual’s name or any other information relating to them.
- Additional Information: At the end of the questionnaire, there is an opportunity to provide additional information or context that you feel is relevant to your response. This field is optional and not scored.
- Data Quality: To enhance data quality and support analysis please note:
- Any quantifiable data must be reported in the units stated in the column/question.
- Numbers in your response must be reported in a way that matches the cultural setting selected on your My Account page. When inputted in the ORS, numbers will be displayed in a format specific to the cultural setting selected. The cultural setting determines which decimal separator or group separator is used, i.e. a decimal point or comma. For further information please see the User Guide.
Support and Resources
- 2023 CDP-ICLEI Track Changes Map: The 2023 CDP-ICLEI Track Changes Map provides an outline of key changes to the questions that comprise the questionnaire and further detail on the auto-population of previously reported data. Ensuring the reporting effort is not increased has been a priority consideration for the development of 2023 CDP-ICLEI Track, with any changes made to ease reporting, improve data quality, and reflect best practice on climate action.
- 2023 CDP-ICLEI Track Reporting Guidance: The 2023 CDP-ICLEI Track Reporting Guidance describes what information to provide, the required format, and where to find tools or further information to construct your answer. It can be accessed on the linked guidance page. Additional reporting guidance is available within the Online Reporting System by clicking on the help icon accompanying each question and through the expandable link below each question.
- Framework and Initiative Alignment: The 2023 CDP-ICLEI Track Framework Alignment Map provides an overview of the frameworks the questionnaire is aligned with and maps each question to the applicable framework. 2023 CDP-ICLEI Track is aligned with the reporting requirements of several frameworks and initiatives including the Global Covenant of Mayors Common Reporting Framework (CRF), the UNFCCC's campaigns Race to Resilience and Race to Zero, Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Sustainable Development Goals, ICLEI initiatives, C40 Cities, WWF One Planet City Challenge, and the NetZeroCities Initiative.
- For 2023, CDP-ICLEI Track will be aligning with the complete set of reporting requirements of the newly published Global Covenant of Mayors Energy Access and Poverty Pillar (EAPP) in the Common Reporting Framework. See the Global Covenant of Mayors Common Reporting Framework webpage for the most up to date information on the Energy Access and Poverty Pillar.
- TCFD Guidance Note: The Guidance Note on the TCFD Recommendations for City, State, and Regional Governments provides an overview of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the benefits of reporting against the TCFD recommendations, and maps the recommendations against the questionnaire.
- Accompanying Symbols: For certain columns and/or rows the symbol ^ will be presented, this is to indicate that the applicable column and/or row is a reporting requirement for the Global Covenant of Mayors Common Reporting Framework (CRF). For certain rows and/or columns the * symbol will be presented, this is to indicate that the presentation of the applicable column and/or row is dependent on an earlier selection within the question. The typical function of this is to present columns and/or rows of relevance where the responder has indicated that the data for the applicable field is available to report.
- Open Data Portal: The Open Data Portal (ODP) is an online data resource that allows the public to view all data publicly reported to CDP from cities, states and regions. Visualizations of data reported in previous years can be found here.
Feedback and Contact
- Feedback: You can provide feedback on the content of our questionnaires and supporting documents through our online Questionnaire Feedback Form. The Questionnaire Feedback Form is available year-round and in multiple languages which can be changed using the language selection tool. We are unable to respond individually to all feedback, but please be assured that all form submissions are reviewed and contribute towards our continuous improvement.
- Contact: If you require
further support for questions that are not addressed in the reporting
guidance, for accessing the Online Reporting System or for general
inquiries, please visit the CDP Help Centre or get in touch with your regional contact:
- The ICLEI network can email [email protected]. C40 Cities can contact
their regional director or [email protected] for help in compiling their
Questionnaire Pathways
- 2023 CDP-ICLEI Track is divided into three distinct pathways. These three pathways streamline reporting, allowing local jurisdictions to find the most appropriate questionnaire for their local context.
- Respondents will be recommended a pathway during the questionnaire activation process based upon their response to three jurisdictional attributes. Jurisdicitons are provided the flexibility to change their pathway if required. They can also return to their dashboard and change the pathway selected at any point prior to submitting the response.
- An increase in the pathway number is accompanied by an increase in the number of questions.
- The pathway selected does not affect meeting the reporting requirements of the projects and initiatives the jurisdiction is participating in and it does not affect CDP scoring or Global Covenant of Mayors badging.
- An overview of each pathway is provided in the table below. The complete breakdown can be viewed in the Questionnaire Pathway Map and further information can be found in the Questionnaire Pathways Guidance Note.
CDP and ICLEI would like to thank all entities that assisted in the development of 2023 CDP-ICLEI Track.
Module: Governance
Demographic/Geographic Data
(0.1) Provide details of your jurisdiction in the table below.
Change from Last Year
Minor change
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Adaptation, Mitigation, Energy Access and Poverty Pillars^
- NetZeroCities: Required
- Race to Resilience
- Race to Zero
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11
Response Options
Please complete the following table:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
Administrative boundary of reporting government^ |
Next highest level of government
Next lowest level of government
Land area of the jurisdiction boundary (in square km)^ | Percentage range of land area that is green space |
Select from:
- City / Municipality
- Consolidated city-county
- County/Province
- Federal district
- Independent city/municipality
- Independent province
- Indigenous Nation
- Intercommunality / Intermunicipality
- Independent intercommunality
- Local government area within a
greater metropolitan area
- Metropolitan area
- Sovereign city-state
- Special city/municipality
- Sub-municipal district
- Town
- Other, please specify
Select from:
- National
- State/regional
- City/Municipality
- Consolidated city-county
- County / Province
- Federal district
- Independent city/municipality
- Independent province
- Intercommunality / Intermunicipality
- Independent intercommunality
- Local government area within a greater metropolitan area
- Metropolitan area
- Sovereign city-state
- Special city/municipality
- Sub-municipal district
- No higher level of government
- Other, please specify
Select from:
- City/Municipality
- Consolidated city-county
- County / Province
- Federal district
- Independent city/municipality
- Independent province
- Intercommunality / Intermunicipality
- Independent intercommunality
- Local government area within a greater metropolitan area
- Metropolitan area
- Sovereign city-state
- Special city/municipality
- Sub-municipal district
- Town
- No lower level of government
- Other, please specify
Numeric field | Select from:- <5%
- 5-10%
- 11-20%
- 21-30%
- 31-40%
- 41-50%
- 51-60%
- >60%
- I do not have this data
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Current (or most recent) population size^ | Population year^ | Projected population size | Projected population year | Select the currency used for all financial information reported throughout your response^ |
Numeric field | Select from: | Numeric field | Select from: | Select from: Appendix A - (Currency) |
(0.2) Provide information on your jurisdiction’s oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities and how these issues have impacted your jurisdiction's planning.
Change From Last Year
Minor change
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- TCFD: Governance (Disclosure A & B), Strategy (Disclosure A & Disclosure B)
- Race to Resilience
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required (column 1)
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13, SDG16, SDG17
Response Options
Please complete the following table:
Select the processes that reflect your jurisdiction's oversight of climate-related issues
Provide further details on your jurisdiction's oversight of climate-related issues
Describe how climate-related issues have impacted your jurisdiction's master/development planning
Describe how climate-related issues have impacted your jurisdiction's financial planning
| Describe the risks to your jurisdiction related to the transition to a low-carbon economy |
Select all that apply:
Informing government on climate-related issues
- Council (or equivalent) is informed by relevant departments, committees and/or subcommittees about climate-related issues
- Relevant departments, committees and/or subcommittees are informed by management about climate-related issues
Consideration of climate-related issues
- Climate-related issues are considered by the government when undertaking plans and/or strategies
- Climate-related issues are considered by the government when undertaking budgeting and/or major capital expenditures
- Climate-related issues are considered by the government when undertaking risk management policies
- Climate-related issues are considered by the government when setting performance objectives
Climate-related responsibilities
- Climate-related responsibilities are assigned to a committee(s) or a subcommittee(s) in the government
- Climate-related responsibilities are assigned to management-level positions in the government
Other/No processes
- Other processes related to the oversight of climate-related issues, please specify
- Currently no processes in place for the oversight of climate-related issues
- Do not know of processes in place for the oversight of climate-related issues
Text field
Text field
Text field
| Text field |
Opportunities and Equity
(0.3) Report how your jurisdiction assesses the wider environmental, social and economic opportunities and benefits of climate action.
Change From Last Year
Modified question
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- TCFD: Strategy (Disclosure A)
- Race to Resilience
- Race to Zero
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required (columns 1-4); Recommended (column 5)
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG1, SDG10
Response Options
Please complete the following table:
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
Does the jurisdiction assess the wider opportunities/benefits of climate action?
Outline how your jurisdiction quantifies the impact of these wider opportunities/benefits*
Describe the wider opportunities/benefits of climate action the jurisdiction has identified*
Outline if and how your jurisdiction ensures the equitable distribution of climate action opportunities/benefits
Outline how your jurisdiction quantifies the equitable and inclusive distribution of climate action* |
Provide evidence and/or more details on the actions your jurisdiction is taking to ensure equitable and inclusive distribution of climate action
Select from:
- Yes,
wider opportunities/benefits are assessed for all climate actions
- Yes,
wider opportunities/benefits are assessed for many climate actions
- Yes,
wider opportunities/benefits are assessed for some climate actions
- Preparing
to assess wider opportunities/benefits of all climate actions over the next year
- Intending
to assess wider opportunities/benefits of all climate actions in the next 2 years
- Not
intending to assess wider opportunities/benefits of any climate actions
- Do not know
- Other, please specify
Select all that apply:
- Wider opportunities/benefits are considered at the action planning stage
- Wider opportunities/benefits are considered at the action implementation stage
- Wider opportunities/benefits are considered at the post-implementation monitoring and evaluation stage
- Wider opportunities/benefits are quantitatively assessed
- Wider opportunities/benefits are qualitatively assessed
- Do not know
Text field
Select all that apply:
- Yes, the jurisdiction is collecting disaggregated or spatial data to inform the design and/or monitor the implementation of climate actions
- Yes, the jurisdiction is collecting disaggregated or spatial data on the impact
of climate actions
- Yes, the jurisdiction is engaging with frontline communities most impacted by
climate change
- Yes, the jurisdiction is designing or implementing climate actions that address
the needs of frontline communities most impacted by climate change
- Yes, the jurisdiction undertakes wider benefits and/or equity assessments for its climate actions
- Yes, the jurisdiction is working to ensure climate actions align with UNDRIP and/or national laws pertaining to Indigenous rights
- Yes, through other measures,
please specify
- No, but the jurisdiction is preparing to incorporate measures over the next year
- No, but the jurisdiction is intending to incorporate measures in the next 2 years
- No, and the jurisdiction is not intending to incorporate measures
- Do not know
Text field
[Text field & attachment]
Multilevel Governance
(0.4) Report on your engagement with other levels of government regarding your jurisdiction's climate action.
Change From Last Year
Minor change
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Race to Resilience
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG17
Response Options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
Climate component |
Level of governments engaged in the development, implementation and/or monitoring of component* |
Outline the purpose of this engagement* |
Comment |
Select from: - Climate risk and vulnerability assessment
- Community-wide GHG emissions inventory
- Climate action plan
- Climate mitigation target
- Climate adaptation goal
- Other, please specify
- Not engaging with other levels of governments regarding climate action
| Select all that apply:- National-level government
- Indigenous peoples with overlapping or neighboring territory
- State/Regional-level government
- Higher level of government (not listed above)
- Lower level of government
- Other, please specify
| Select all that apply:
If national, state or higher level of government, or Indigenous peoples
- The development of this component is required by the national government (e.g., by law, regulation and/or agreement)
- The development of this component is required by a higher-level of government that is not the national government (e.g., by law, regulation and/or agreement)
- To facilitate the integration of this component into the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)
- To facilitate the integration of this component into the National Adaptation Plan (NAP)
- Progress tracking and/or updates associated with this component are shared with a higher-level of government (e.g., via a digital platform)
- The method used to develop this component was required or recommended by a higher-level of government
If any level of government - To collect data and/or feedback from other levels of government to inform its development
- To facilitate information sharing across different levels of government
- To facilitate capacity building across different levels of government
- To facilitate the integration of this component into assessments and policy developed across different levels of government
- Other, please specify
| Text field |
[Add Row]
Collaborative Actions
(0.5) Report your jurisdiction's most significant examples of collaboration with government, business, and/or civil society on climate-related issues.
Change From Last Year
Minor change to question, additional guidance
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- Race to Resilience
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG17
Response Options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
Primary entity collaborated with (selection mandatory) | Mechanisms used to collaborate* | Areas collaboration focused on* |
Description of collaboration* | Other entities collaborated with* |
Select from:
Government/Public body- National government
- Regional government
- Indigenous peoples with overlapping or neighboring territory
- Neighboring local government
- Local government within country/area
- Local government outside of country/area
- Public authority
- Other, please specify
Civil society - Academia
- Climate initiatives/networks
- Residents/community groups
- Vulnerable population groups
- NGO and associations
- Education sector
- Faith-based organizations
- Trade/labor unions
- Other, please specify
- Agriculture
- Communication Services
- Construction
- Consumer Discretionary
- Consumer Staples
- Energy
- Food & Beverage
- Financials
- Health Care
- Industrials
- Information Technology
- Materials
- Real Estate
- Transport
- Utilities
- Waste
- Industry trade group
- Other, please specify
No significant examples of collaboration to report
- Intending to collaborate in the next year
- Intending to collaborate in the next two years
- Not intending to collaborate, please specify why
- Other, please specify
Select all that apply: Informational/Engagement - Collaborative initiative
- City business partnership platform
- Knowledge or data sharing
- Capacity development
- Convening industry groups
- Trade union engagement
- Multi-jurisdictional regional collaboratives
- Reporting of climate and/or environmental data
Economic - Labour market training initiatives
- Economic development
- Entrepreneurship support programmes
- Financing (investment)
- Funding (grants)
- Circular economy business model support
- Cleaner production industry support
- Procurement
Technical - Technical assistance
- Engineering and consulting procurement
- Project implementation and management
- Project delivery - Public Private Partnership
- Project delivery - Build Operate Transfer
- Project delivery - Build Operate Own Transfer
Policy/Legislative - Policy and regulation development/ implementation
- Climate action plan implementation
- Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) development/ implementation
- Development of local/regional adaptation plans, National Adaptation Plans and/or National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs)
- Reporting to the national Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system
- Requirement to develop emissions inventory
- Requirement to develop and implement emissions reduction target
Select all that apply:
- Emissions reduction
- Adaptation
- Resilience
- Energy
- Transport (Mobility)
- Waste
- Building and Infrastructure
- Industry
- Agriculture
- Finance
- Forestry
- Landscape and jurisdictional approaches
- Ecosystem restoration
- Food
- Water
- Public health
- Natural environment
- Social Services
- Education
- Inclusive climate action and/or equity
- Other, please specify
Text field | Select all that apply:
Government/Public body- National government
- Regional government
- Indigenous peoples with overlapping or neighboring territory
- Neighboring local government
- Local government within country/area
- Local government outside of country/area
- Public authority
- Other, please specify
Civil society - Academia
- Climate initiatives/networks
- Residents/community groups
- Vulnerable population groups
- NGO and associations
- Education sector
- Faith-based organizations
- Trade/labor unions
- Other, please specify
Business - Agriculture
- Communication Services
- Construction
- Consumer Discretionary
- Consumer Staples
- Energy
- Food & Beverage
- Financials
- Health Care
- Industrials
- Information Technology
- Materials
- Real Estate
- Transport
- Utilities
- Waste
- Industry trade group
- Other, please specify
[Add Row]
Module: Assessment
Climate Risk and Vulnerability
(1.1) Has a climate risk and vulnerability assessment been undertaken for your jurisdiction? If not, please indicate why.
Change From Last Year
No change to question, additional guidance
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Adaptation Pillar^
- TCFD: Risk Management (Disclosure A)
- Race to Resilience
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Select one of the following options:
- Yes, a climate risk and vulnerability assessment has been undertaken
- No, but we are currently undertaking one and it will be complete in the next year
- No, but we are intending to undertake one in the next two years
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to lack of financial capacity
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to lack of expertise/technical capacity
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to lack of financial capacity and expertise/technical capacity
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to other higher priorities
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to a reason not listed above, please specify
(1.1a) Provide details on your climate risk and vulnerability assessment.
Change From Last Year
Minor change to question, additional guidance
Question Dependencies
This question is presented if ‘Yes, a climate risk and vulnerability assessment has been undertaken’ is selected in response to 1.1.
Questionnaire Pathway
- Pathway 1: Columns 1-5
- Pathway 2 and 3: Columns 1-7
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Adaptation Pillar^
- TCFD: Risk Management (Disclosure A, B, C)
- Race to Resilience
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required (columns 1 - 5)
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG1, SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
1 | 2 |
3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Assessment attachment and/or direct link^ | Confirm attachment/link provided to assessment (selection mandatory) |
Boundary of assessment relative to jurisdiction boundary^ | Year of publication or approval^ | Factors considered in assessment | Primary author(s) of assessment^ | Please explain |
Text field and attachment function
| Select from:- The assessment has been attached
- The assessment can be accessed (unrestricted) on the link provided
- The assessment has been attached and can be accessed (unrestricted) on the link provided
- Unable to provide an attachment and/or direct link to the assessment as it is not yet published
- Unable to provide an attachment and/or direct link to the assessment, please specify why
- Other, please specify
Select from:
- Same - covers entire jurisdiction and nothing else
- Smaller - covers only part of the jurisdiction, please explain exclusions
- Larger - covers the whole jurisdiction and adjoining areas, please explain additions
- Partial - covers part of the jurisdiction and adjoining areas, please explain exclusions/additions
| Numeric field | Select all that apply:- Assessment considers vulnerable populations
- Assessment considers water security
- Assessment considers nature
- Assessment considers transition risks
- Assessment includes a high-emissions scenario (i.e., RCP 8.5)
- Assessment includes consultation with partners
- Assessment includes sectors and/or urban systems
- Identified hazards have been incorporated into the jurisdiction's overall risk management framework
- A process has been established for prioritizing identified hazards
- A process has been established to update the assessment at least every five years
- None of the above
- Other, please specify
| Select all that apply:- Dedicated team within jurisdiction
- Relevant department within jurisdiction
- Consultant
- International organization
- Community group
- Regional/ state/ provincial government
- National/ central government
- Other, please specify
| Text field |
[Add Row]
Climate hazards
(1.2) Provide details on the most significant climate hazards faced by your jurisdiction.
Change From Last Year
Minor change to question, additional guidance
Questionnaire Pathway
- Pathway 1: Columns 1-5
- Pathway 2 and 3: Columns 1-11
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Adaptation Pillar^
- TCFD: Strategy (Disclosure A & B), Metrics and targets (Disclosure A)
- Race to Resilience
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG1, SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
(Columns 2 -11 are only presented if a climate-related hazards is selected in column 1.)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Climate-related hazards^ |
Vulnerable population groups most exposed
Sectors most exposed^ |
Describe the impacts on vulnerable populations and sectors^ |
Proportion of the population exposed to the hazard
Select from:
- Heat stress
- Extreme heat
- Extreme cold
- Snow and ice
- Drought
- Water stress
- Increased water demand
- Fire weather (risk of wildfires)
- Urban flooding
- River flooding
- Coastal flooding (incl. sea level rise)
- Other coastal events
- Oceanic events
- Hurricanes, cyclones, and/or typhoons
- Extreme wind
- Storm
- Heavy precipitation
- Mass movement
- Biodiversity loss
- Loss of green space/green cover
- Soil degradation/erosion
- Other forms of climate-induced landscape shift/degradation
- Infectious disease
- Other, please specify
- No significant climate-related hazards, please specify why
Select all that apply:
- Women and girls
- Children and youth
- Elderly
- Indigenous peoples
- Marginalized/minority communities
- Vulnerable health groups
- Low-income households
- Outdoor workers
- Frontline workers
- Other, please specify
- Do not know
Select all that apply:
- Agriculture
- Forestry
- Fishing
- Mining and quarrying
- Manufacturing
- Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- Water supply
- Sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
- Waste management
- Administrative and support service activities
- Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- Conservation
- Construction
- Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- Transportation and storage
- Accommodation and food service activities
- Information and communication
- Financial and insurance activities
- Real estate activities
- Professional, scientific and technical activities
- Education
- Human health and social work activities
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Other, please specify
Text field
Select from:
- <10%
- 10-20%
- 20-30%
- 30-40%
- 40-50%
- 50-60%
- 60-70%
- 70-80%
- 90-100%
- Data is not available
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
Did this hazard significantly impact your jurisdiction before this reporting year?
Current probability of hazard^ |
Current magnitude of impact of hazard^ |
Expected future change in hazard intensity^ |
Expected future change in hazard frequency^ |
Timeframe of expected future changes^ |
Select from:
Select from:
- High
- Medium High
- Medium
- Medium Low
- Low
- Do not know
- Not expected to impact the jurisdiction within the next 5 years
Select from:
- High
- Medium High
- Medium
- Medium Low
- Low
- Do not know
- Not expected to impact the jurisdiction within the next 5 years
Select from:
- Increasing
- Decreasing
- None
- Do not know
- Not expected to happen in the future
Select from:
- Increasing
- Decreasing
- None
- Do not know
- Not expected to happen in the future
Select from:
- Short-term (by 2025)
- Medium-term (2026-2050)
- Long-term (after 2050)
- Not known (not possible to define)
[Add Row]
(1.3) Identify and describe the most significant factors impacting on your jurisdiction’s ability to adapt to climate change and indicate how those factors either support or challenge this ability.
Change From Last Year
Minor change to question, additional guidance
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Adaptation Pillar^
- Race to Resilience
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
Factors that affect ability to adapt^ |
Degree to which this factor challenges/supports the adaptive capacity of your jurisdiction (selections mandatory)^ |
Describe how the factor supports or challenges the adaptive capacity of your jurisdiction^ |
Select from:
- Access to basic services
- Access to education
- Access to healthcare
- Access to quality and relevant data
- Budgetary capacity
- Community engagement
- Connectivity
- Cost of living
- Degradation, loss, and quality and quantity of green space and ecosystems
- Economic diversity
- Economic health
- Environmental conditions
- Environmental regularization of land
- Geography
- Legal/Institutional constraints
- Housing
- Inequality
- Informal activities
- Infrastructure capacity
- Infrastructure conditions / maintenance
- Land use planning
- Migration
- Political engagement / transparency
- Political stability
- Poverty
- Public health
- Rapid urbanization
- Resource availability
- Safety and security
- Technical capacity
- Underemployment
- Unemployment
- Water security
- Other, please specify
- Do not know
Select from: Challenges:
- Significantly challenges
- Moderately challenges
- Somewhat challenges
- Significantly supports
- Moderately supports
- Somewhat supports
| Text field
[Add Row]
Emissions Inventory
Community-wide Emissions Inventory Methodology
(2.1) Does your jurisdiction have a community-wide emissions inventory to report?
Change From Last Year
No change to question, additional guidance
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Mitigation Pillar^
- TCFD: Metrics and Targets (Disclosure B)
- NetZeroCities: Required
- Race to Zero
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Select from:
- Yes
- No, but we are currently undertaking one and it will be complete in the next year
- No, but we are intending to undertake one in the next two years
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to lack of financial capacity
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to lack of expertise/technical capacity
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to lack of financial capacity and expertise/technical capacity
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to other higher priorities
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to a reason not listed above, please specify
(2.1a) Provide information on and an attachment (in spreadsheet format) /direct link to your main community-wide GHG emissions inventory.
Please provide information on your current primary emissions inventory, i.e. that which represents the largest proportion of your community-wide emissions. You are able to add additional/historical inventories in a separate column.
Change From Last Year
Modified question (merged with 2022 2.1b)
Question Dependencies
This question is presented if ‘Yes’ is selected in response to 2.1
Questionnaire Pathway
- Pathway 1, 2 and 3 (columns 1-9, 13)
- Columns 10-13 and 14 are initiative-specific
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Mitigation Pillar^
- TFCD: Metric and Targets (Disclosure B)
- NetZeroCities: Required
- Race to Zero
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required (columns 1-6, 8, 10, 11, 14); Recommended (columns 7, 9, 12, 13)
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Please complete the following table. The table is displayed over several rows for readability. Provide information on your current primary emissions inventory (you may add additional/historical inventories in a separate column).
Main community-wide emissions inventory: attachment (spreadsheet) and/or URL link (with unrestricted access)^
Status of main community-wide inventory attachment and/or direct link (selection mandatory)
Year covered by main inventory^
Boundary of main inventory relative to jurisdiction boundary^
Population in year covered by main inventory^
Text field and attachment function
Select from:
- The emissions inventory has been attached
- The emissions inventory can be accessed (unrestricted) on the link provided
- The emissions inventory has been attached and can be accessed (unrestricted) on the link provided
- Unable to provide an attachment and/or direct link to my emissions inventory
- Other, please specify
Select from:
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2000/2001
- 2001/2002
- 2002/2003
- 2003/2004
- 2004/2005
- 2005/2006
- 2006/2007
- 2007/2008
- 2008/2009
- 2009/2010
- 2010/2011
- 2011/2012
- 2012/2013
- 2013/2014
- 2014/2015
- 2015/2016
- 2016/2017
- 2017/2018
- 2018/2019
- 2019/2020
- 2020/2021
- 2021/2022
- 2022/2023
Select from:
- Same - covers entire jurisdiction and nothing else
- Smaller - covers only parts of the jurisdiction, please explain exclusions
- Larger - covers the whole jurisdiction and adjoining areas, please explain additions
- Partial - covers part of the jurisdiction and adjoining areas, please explain exclusions/additions
Numeric field
Primary protocol/framework used to compile main inventory (selection mandatory)
Tool used to compile main inventory
Gases included in main inventory^
Primary source of emission factors
Select from:
- Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GPC)
- Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GPC) reported in the format of GCoM Common Reporting Framework (CRF)
- 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
- U.S. Community Protocol for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (ICLEI USA)
- Regional or country/area specific methodology
- Jurisdiction specific methodology
- Other, please specify
Select from:
- Carbon Monitor Cities
- CityInSight
- CLIMAS Inventory Tool
- ClimateView – ClimateOS
- Crosswalk Labs
- Data Portal for Cities
- Ecospeed Region
- Enersis Gaia Platform
- European Energy Award Management Tool (CoME EASY)
- Everimpact
- FutureproofedCities
- Google Environmental Insights Explorer
- Government of Japan Ministry of Environment Manual (Japan)
- ICLEI ClearPath
- Kinesis CCAP City tool
- Klimaschutz Planer
- Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP)
- Municipal Energy and Emission Database MEED (Canada)
- OpenGHGMap
- Proxy Data Tool (ICLEI Africa)
- SIGN-SMART (Indonesia)
- Sistema de Estimativas de Emissões e Remoções de Gases de Efeito Estufa (SEEG) (Brazil)
- Snapshot Tool (Australia)
- US EPA Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool (US)
- Consultancy-developed tool/process, please specify
- Other regionally/ nationally developed tool/process, please specify
- Internal tool/process
- Do not know
- Other, please specify
Select all that apply:
- CO2
- CH4
- N2O
- HFCs
- PFCs
- SF6
- NF3
Select from:
- IPCC Second Assessment Report (1995)
- IPCC Third Assessment Report (2001)
- IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (2007)
- IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (2013)
- IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (2021)
- LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) emission factors
- National/sub-national emission factors, please specify
- Do not know
- Other, please specify
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
Has the main inventory been audited/verified?
| Overall level of data quality
| Have any of the calculation methodologies and/or boundary used
for this inventory changed when compared to the previously reported
inventory? | Additional / historical inventories: attachment (spreadsheet) and/or URL link (with unrestricted access) | Further documentation and comments |
Select from:
- Yes, externally audited/ verified (third-party verification)
- Yes, internally audited/verified (self-verification)
- Yes, internally and externally audited / verified
- No, not audited / verified
- Other, please specify
| Select all that apply:
Activity data
- High data quality
- Medium data quality
- Low data quality
Emissions factors
- High data quality
- Medium data quality
- Low data quality
Select from:
- No changes to the methodology and/or boundary used when compared to the previously reported inventory
- No changes to the methodology and/or boundary used as this is the jurisdictions first year reporting an emissions inventory
- Yes, due to a change to the inventory boundary but this has not triggered a recalculation of historic emissions data
- Yes, due to a change to the inventory boundary and this has triggered a recalculation of historic emissions data
- Yes, due to changes in calculation methodology or improvements in
data access and/or accuracy but this has not triggered a recalculation
of historic emissions data
- Yes, due to changes in calculation methodology or improvements in
data access and/or accuracy and this has triggered a recalculation of
historic emissions data
- Other, please specify
| Text and attachment function | Text and attachment function |
Community-wide Emissions Inventory Data
(2.1b) Provide a breakdown of your community-wide emissions by scope. If the inventory has been developed using the Global Protocol for Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GPC) you will also be requested to provide a breakdown by sector.
Change From Last Year
No change (2022 2.1c)
Question Dependencies
This question is presented if you are reporting emissions in any format other than the format of the GCoM Common Reporting Framework (CRF)
- If you are reporting in any format other than the CRF, you will be presented with scopes 1, 2 and 3 (rows 1- 4)
- If you are reporting in the format of the GPC, you may also be presented with GPC defined sectors (rows 5 – 17)
Questionnaire Pathway
- Pathway 1: Rows 1-4 (Scope)
- Pathway 2 and 3: Rows 1-17 (Complete question)
Connection to Other Frameworks
- TFCD: Metric and Targets (Disclosure B)
- NetZeroCities: Required
- Race to Zero
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG13
Response Options
Please complete the following table. If your jurisdiction uses the City Inventory Reporting and Information System (CIRIS) or ClimateOS (ClimateView) tools for managing and reporting emissions inventory data, you can import your response data for selected questions for this question. Further guidance on how to import can be accessed here. Please ensure all reported emissions data is in metric tonnes CO2e.
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Sector and/or scope
Emissions (metric tonnes CO2e)
If you have no emissions to report, please select a notation key to explain why
Level of data quality for sector and scope
Total Scope 1 emissions (excluding generation of grid-supplied energy)
Numeric field
Select from:
- Not Occurring (NO)
- Included Elsewhere (IE)
- Not Estimated (NE)
- Confidential (C)
Select all that apply:
Activity Data
- High data quality
- Medium data quality
- Low data quality
Emissions factors
- High data quality
- Medium data quality
- Low data quality
Text field
Scope 1 emissions from generation of grid-supplied energy
Numeric field
As above
As above
Text field
Total Scope 2 emissions
Numeric field
As above
As above
Text field
Total Scope 3 emissions
Numeric field
As above
As above
Text field
If the inventory has been developed using the Global Protocol for Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GPC):
Sector and/or scope | Emissions (metric tonnes CO2e) | If you have no emissions to report, please select a notation key to explain why | Level of data quality for sector and scope | Comment |
Stationary Energy: energy use – Scope 1 | Numeric field
| As above
| As above
| Text field |
Stationary Energy: energy use – Scope 2 | Numeric field | As above | As above | As above
Stationary Energy: energy use – Scope 3 | Numeric field
| As above
| As above | Text field
Transportation – Scope 1 | Numeric field
| As above
| As above
| Text field
Transportation – Scope 2 | Numeric field
| As above
| As above
| Text field
Transportation – Scope 3 | Numeric field | As above
| As above
| Text field
Waste: waste generated within the city boundary – Scope 1 | Numeric field | As above
| As above
| Text field
Waste: waste generated within the city boundary – Scope 3 | Numeric field | As above
| As above
| Text field
Waste: waste generated outside the city boundary – Scope 1 | Numeric field | As above
| As above
| Text field
Industrial Processes and Product Use – Scope 1 | Numeric field | As above
| As above
| Text field
Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use – Scope 1 | Numeric field | As above
| As above
| Text field
TOTAL BASIC emissions | Numeric field | As above
| As above
| Text field |
TOTAL BASIC+ emissions | Numeric field | As above
| As above
| Text field |
(2.1c) Provide a breakdown of your community-wide emissions in the format of the Common Reporting Framework.
Change From Last Year
No change (2022 2.1d)
Question Dependencies
This question is presented if you have indicated your jurisdiction is reporting its emissions in the format of the GCoM Common Reporting Framework (CRF) or your jurisdiction is participating in the Global Covenant of Mayors.
Questionnaire Pathway
- Pathway 1: Rows 30 and 31 (Total generation of grid-supplied energy, Total emissions)
- Pathway 2 and 3: Rows 1-31 (Complete question)
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Mitigation Pillar^
- TFCD: Metric and Targets (Disclosure B)
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- Race to Zero
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG13
Response Options
Please complete the following table. Please ensure all reported emissions data is in metric tonnes CO2e.
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Sectors and sub-sectors
Direct emissions (metric tonnes CO2e)^
If you have no direct emissions to report, please select a notation key to explain why^
Indirect emissions from the use of grid-supplied electricity, heat, steam and/or cooling (metric tonnes CO2e)^
If you have no indirect emissions to report, please select a notation key to explain why^
Emissions occurring outside the jurisdiction boundary as a result of in-jurisdiction activities (metric tonnes CO2e)
If you have no emissions to report that are occurring outside the jurisdiction boundary as a result of in-jurisdiction activities, please select a notation key to explain why
Please explain any excluded sources, identify any emissions covered under an ETS and provide any other comments^
Stationary energy > Residential buildings^
Numeric field
Select from:
- Not Occurring (NO)
- Included Elsewhere (IE)
- Not Estimated (NE)
- Confidential (C)
Numeric field
Select from:
- Not Occurring (NO)
- Included Elsewhere (IE)
- Not Estimated (NE)
- Confidential (C)
Numeric field
Select from:
- Not Occurring (NO)
- Included Elsewhere (IE)
- Not Estimated (NE)
- Confidential (C)
Text field
Stationary energy > Commercial buildings & facilities^
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Stationary energy > Institutional buildings and facilities^
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Stationary energy > Industrial buildings & facilities^
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Stationary energy > Agriculture^
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Stationary energy > Fugitive emissions^
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Total Stationary Energy
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Transportation > On-road^
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Transportation > Rail^
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Transportation > Waterborne navigation^
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Transportation > Aviation^
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Transportation > Off-road^
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Total Transport
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Waste > Solid waste disposal^
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Waste > Biological treatment^
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Waste > Incineration and open burning^
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Waste > Wastewater^
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Total Waste
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
IPPU > Industrial process
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
IPPU > Product use
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Total IPPU
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
AFOLU > Livestock
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
AFOLU > Land use
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Generation of grid-supplied energy > Electricity-only generation^
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Generation of grid-supplied energy > CHP generation^
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Generation of grid-supplied energy > Heat/cold generation^
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Generation of grid-supplied energy > Local renewable generation
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Total generation of grid-supplied energy
Same as above
Same as above
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Not applicable for this sub-sector
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Total Emissions (excluding generation of grid-supplied energy)
Same as above
Same as above
Numeric field
Select from:
- Not Occurring
- Included Elsewhere
- Not Estimated
- Confidential
Numeric field
Select from:
- Not Occurring
- Included Elsewhere
- Not Estimated
- Confidential
Same as above
(2.1d) Provide a breakdown of your community-wide emissions by sector.
Change From Last Year
No change (2022 2.1e)
Question Dependencies
This question is presented if you are reporting your emissions in any format other than the format of the Global Protocol for Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GPC) or GCoM Common Reporting Framework (CRF).
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- TFCD: Metric and Targets (Disclosure B)
- NetZeroCities: Required
- Race to Zero
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG13
Response Options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table. Please ensure all reported emissions data is in metric tonnes CO2e.
Emissions (metric tonnes CO2e)
Select from:
- Energy
- Industrial processes and product use (IPPU)
- Agriculture, Forestry and other land use (AFOLU)
- Waste
- Other, please specify
If US Community Protocol Sources:
- Built environment
- Transportation and other mobile sources
- Solid waste
- Wastewater and water
- Agricultural livestock
- Forest Land and Trees
- Upstream impacts of community‐wide activities
- Other, please specify
All other methodologies
- Stationary Energy
- Transportation
- Waste
- Other, please specify
Select from:
- All applicable sub-sectors per methodology
- Sub-sector classification not applicable
- Stationary energy (buildings)
- Residential buildings
- Public buildings
- Commercial buildings
- Industrial buildings
- Transportation
- Road
- Rail
- Aviation
- Livestock
- Land use
- Waste
- Wastewater
- Other, please specify
Select from:
- Scope 1
- Scope 2
- Scope 3
- Scope 1 and 2
- Total figure
- Scope classification not applicable
Numeric field
Text field
[Add Row]
Sector Assessment Data
Energy Assessment Data
(3.1) Report the following information regarding your jurisdiction-wide energy consumption.
Change From Last Year
New question
Question Dependencies
Columns 3 and 4 are only presented to certain jurisdictions as detailed in the Response Options below. The selections made in column 3 will determine the presentation of questions 3.1a, 3.1b, 3.1c and 3.1d.
Questionnaire Pathway
- Pathway 1 and 2: Columns 1, 2, and 5
- Pathway 3: Columns 1, 2, 3, and 5
- Column 4 is only presented to GCoM jurisdictions
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Energy Access and Poverty Pillar (Sustainable Energy)^
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 7, SDG 12
Response Options
Please complete the following table.
Total energy consumption (MWh)^
Total energy consumption from renewable sources (MWh)^
Indicate the energy data for which you can report a fuel/technology mix^* |
Indicate the energy-related assessments that have been undertaken for your jurisdiction^** |
Please explain |
Numeric field
Numeric field
Select all that apply:
- Electricity consumption mix data (presents question 3.1a)
- Thermal (heating and cooling) consumption mix data (presents question 3.1b)
- Energy generation mix data (presents question 3.1c)
- Sector energy consumption breakdown data (presents question 3.1d***)
- Unable to report mix
Select all that apply:
- Assessment that considers sustainable energy
- Assessment that considers energy security
- Assessment that considers affordable energy
- No energy-related assessment has been undertaken
- Other, please specify
Text field
*Please note this column is only presented to jurisdictions that meet the following criteria:
- GCoM jurisdictions, and participants in C40 Cities, ICLEI GreenClimateCities, 100% Renewables Cities and Regions Network, and NetZeroCities Initiative.
- Responding to Questionnaire Pathway 3
**Please note this column is only presented to GCoM jurisdictions.
***Please note this option is only presented to C40 Cities, 100% Renewables Cities and Regions Network jurisdictions, WWF OPCC, and NetZeroCities Initiative jurisdictions.
(3.1a) Report the total electricity consumption in MWh and the energy mix used for electricity consumption in your jurisdiction.
Change From Last Year
Modified question (2022 3.1)
Question Dependencies
This question is presented to cities that are shown column 3 ‘Indicate the energy data for which you can report a fuel/technology mix’ in question 3.1, and select the option ‘Electricity consumption mix data’.
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 7, SDG 12
Response Options
Please complete the following table.
Total annual jurisdiction-wide electricity consumption in MWh
Data source used to provide percentage breakdown of consumption by energy type
Percentage of total consumption from coal (%)
Percentage of total consumption from gas (%)
Percentage of total consumption from oil (%)
Percentage of total consumption from nuclear (%)
Percentage of total consumption from hydropower (%)
Percentage of total consumption from bioenergy (biomass and biofuels) (%)
Numeric field
Select from:
- Jurisdiction-level data
- Utility-level data
- Regional/State-level data
- National-level data
- Other data source(s), please specify
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage of total consumption from wind (%)
Percentage of total consumption from geothermal (%)
Percentage of total consumption from solar (%)
Percentage of total consumption from waste to energy (excluding biomass component) (%)
Percentage of total consumption from wave (%)
Percentage of total consumption from tidal (%)
Percentage of total consumption from other renewable sources (%)
Percentage of total consumption from other non-renewable sources (%)
Year data applies to
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Select from:
Text field
(3.1b) Report the total thermal (heating/cooling) energy consumption in MWh and the energy mix used for thermal (heating/cooling) source mix breakdown for energy consumption in your jurisdiction.
Change From Last Year
New question
Question Dependencies
This question is presented to cities that are shown column 3 ‘Indicate the energy data for which you can report a fuel/technology mix’ in question 3.1, and select the option ‘Thermal (heating and cooling) consumption mix data’.
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Energy Access and Poverty Pillar (Sustainable Energy)^
- NetZeroCities Initiative: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG7, SDG12
Response Options
Please complete the following table.
Total annual jurisdiction-wide thermal consumption in MWh^
Data source used to provide percentage breakdown of consumption by energy type
Percentage of total consumption from coal (%)^
Percentage of total consumption from gas (%)^
Percentage of total consumption from oil (%)^
Percentage of total consumption from nuclear (%)^
Percentage of total consumption from non-renewable electricity (%)^
Percentage of total consumption from renewable electricity (%)^
Numeric field
Select from:
- Jurisdiction-level data
- Utility-level data
- Regional/State-level data
- National-level data
- Other data source(s), please specify
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage of total consumption from bioenergy (inc. biomass and biofuels) (%)^
Percentage of total consumption from solar thermal (%)^
Percentage of total consumption from geothermal (%)^
Percentage of total consumption from waste to energy (solid waste excluding biomass) (%)^
Percentage of total consumption from waste water heat recovery (WWHR) (%)^
Percentage of total consumption from other renewable sources (%)^
Percentage of total consumption from other non-renewable sources (%)^
Year data applies to
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Percentage field
Select from:
Text field
(3.1c) For each type of renewable energy within the jurisdiction boundary, report the installed capacity (MW) and annual generation (MWh).
Change From Last Year
Minor change to question, additional guidance (2022 3.2)
Question Dependencies
This question is presented to cities that are shown column 3 ‘Indicate the energy data for which you can report a fuel/technology mix’ in question 3.1, and select the option ‘Energy generation mix data’.
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Energy Access and Poverty Pillar (Sustainable Energy)^
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG7, SDG12
Response Options
Please complete the following table.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Energy source | Installed capacity (MW)^ | If you have no installed capacity data to report, please select a notation key to explain why^ | Annual generation (MWh)^ | If you have no generation data to report, please select a notation key to explain why^ | Year data applies to | Comment |
Solar PV | Numeric field | Select from:
- Not Occurring (NO)
- Not Estimated (NE)
- Confidential (C)
| Numeric field | Select from:
- Not Occurring (NO)
- Not Estimated (NE)
- Confidential (C)
| Select from: Drop-down list: 2010-2023 | Text field |
Solar thermal | As above | As above | As above | As above | As above | As above |
Hydropower | As above | As above | As above | As above | As above | As above |
Wind | As above | As above | As above | As above | As above | As above |
Bioenergy (Biomass and Biofuels) | As above | As above | As above | As above | As above | As above |
Geothermal | As above | As above | As above | As above | As above | As above |
Other | As above | As above | As above | As above | As above | As above |
(3.3) How many households within the jurisdiction boundary face energy poverty? Select the threshold used for energy poverty in your jurisdiction.
Change From Last Year
No change (2022 3.4)
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Energy Access and Poverty Pillar (Affordable Energy)^
- Race to Resilience
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG1, SDG7
Response Options
Please complete the following table.
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
Indicator used to estimate energy poverty^ | Percentage of households or total population within the jurisdiction boundary that face energy poverty*^ | Threshold used for energy poverty*^ | Comment |
Select from:- Percentage of households within the jurisdiction boundary that face energy poverty
- Percentage of total population within the jurisdiction boundary that face energy poverty
- Energy poverty not estimated
| Percentage field | Select from:- Up to 5% of income spent on energy services
- Up to 10% of income spent on energy services
- Up to 15% of income spent on energy services
- Up to 20% or more of income spent on energy services
- Other, please specify
| Text field |
Transport Data
Mode share
(3.5) Report your jurisdiction's passenger and/or freight mode share data.
Change From Last Year
Minor change
Questionnaire Pathway
- Pathway 1: Rows 1-12, and 23 (Passenger mode share)
- Pathway 2 and 3: Rows 1-23 (Passenger and Freight mode share)
Connection to Other Frameworks
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG9, SDG11
Response Options
Please complete the following table:
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
Mode share data
Passenger mode share data to report
Select from:
- Passenger mode share as share of trips (passenger mode share rows presented)
- Passenger mode share as share of vehicle distance travelled (passenger mode share rows presented)
- Jurisdiction does not have passenger mode share data
Passenger mode share: Walking*
Percentage field
Passenger mode share: Cycling*
Percentage field
Passenger mode share: Micromobility (including e-scooters)*
Percentage field
Passenger mode share: Buses (including Bus Rapid Transit)*
Percentage field
Passenger mode share: Rail/Metro/Tram*
Percentage field
Passenger mode share: Ferries/River boats*
Percentage field
Passenger mode share: Taxis or shared vehicles (e.g. hire vehicles)*
Percentage field
Passenger mode share: Private motorized transport*
Percentage field
Passenger mode share: Other*
Percentage field
Year passenger mode share data applies to*
Select from: 2015-2023
Total passenger mode share reported*
Auto-calculated field (expected value 100)
Mode share data
Freight mode share data to report
Select from:
- Freight mode share as share of trips (freight mode share rows presented)
- Freight mode share as share of vehicle distance travelled (freight mode share rows presented)
- Jurisdiction does not have mode share data for freight transport
Freight mode share: Motorcycle / Two wheeler*
Percentage field
Freight mode share: Light Goods Vehicles (LGV)*
Percentage field
Freight mode share: Medium Goods vehicles (MGV)*
Percentage field
Freight mode share: Heavy Goods vehicles (HGV)*
Percentage field
Freight mode share: Rail*
Percentage field
Freight mode share: Inland water transport*
Percentage field
Freight mode share: Other*
Percentage field
Year freight mode share data applies to*
Select from: 2015-2023
Total freight mode share reported*
Auto-calculated field (expected value 100)
Waste Data
(3.7) Report the following waste-related data for your jurisdiction.
Change From Last Year
Minor change to question, modified guidance
Questionnaire Pathway
- Pathway 1: Row 1
- Pathway 2 and 3: Row 1 - Row 9
Connection to Other Frameworks
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG6, SDG11, SDG12
Response Options
Please complete the following table:
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Waste-related data area (unit)
Data availability
Response (in unit specified)*
Year data applies to*
Total amount of solid waste generated (tonnes/year)
Select from:
- Reporting jurisdiction-level data
- Reporting state/regional data scaled to jurisdiction-level
- Reporting national data scaled to jurisdiction-level
- This data is not available to report
- Other, please specify
Numeric field
Numeric field
Text field
Percentage of the total solid waste generated that is utilized for waste to energy (%)
As above
Numeric field
Numeric field
Text field
Percentage of the total solid waste generated that is diverted away from landfill and incineration (%)
As above
Numeric field
Numeric field
Text field
Percentage of the diverted solid waste generated that is recycled (%)
As above
Numeric field
Numeric field
Text field
Percentage of the diverted solid waste generated that is reused (%)
As above
Numeric field
Numeric field
Text field
Percentage of waste collected where separation at source is taking place (%)
As above
Numeric field
Numeric field
Text field
Total annual amount of food waste produced in the jurisdiction (tonnes/year)
As above
Numeric field
Numeric field
Text field
Volume of wastewater produced within the jurisdiction boundary (megalitres/year)
As above
Numeric field
Numeric field
Text field
Percentage of wastewater safely treated to at least secondary level (%)
As above
Numeric field
Numeric field
Text field
Public Health Data
(3.8) Report on how climate change impacts health outcomes and health services in your jurisdiction.
Change From Last Year
Minor change to question, additional guidance
Questionnaire Pathway
- Pathway 1: Columns 1-3, 7
- Pathway 2 and 3: Columns 1-7
Connection to Other Frameworks
- Race to Resilience
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG3, SDG11, SDG13
Response Option
Please complete the following table. The table is displayed over several rows for readability. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
1 |
2 |
3 |
Health area affected by climate change
Identify the climate hazard(s) that most significantly impact the selected health area
Identify the health issues driven by the selected climate hazard(s)
Select from:
- Health outcomes
- Health systems
- Areas outside the health sector
- The jurisdiction is not yet able to measure climate change related health impacts, please explain
- Do not know
Select all that apply: - Heat stress
- Extreme heat
- Extreme cold
- Snow and ice
- Drought
- Water stress
- Increased water demand
- Fire weather (risk of wildfires)
- Urban flooding
- River flooding
- Coastal flooding (incl. sea level rise)
- Other coastal events
- Oceanic events
- Hurricanes, cyclones, and/or typhoons
- Extreme wind
- Storm
- Heavy precipitation
- Mass movement
- Biodiversity loss
- Loss of green space/green cover
- Soil degradation/erosion
- Other forms of climate-induced landscape shift/degradation
- Infectious disease
- Other, please specify
Select all that apply:
- Heat-related illnesses
- Cold-related illnesses
- Vector-borne infections and illnesses
- Water-borne infections and illnesses
- Food-borne infections and illnesses
- Exacerbation of non-communicable disease symptoms - respiratory disease
- Exacerbation of non-communicable disease symptoms - cardiovascular disease
- Exacerbation of non-communicable disease symptoms - other
- Mental health impacts
- Emotional and/or spiritual health impacts
- Direct physical injuries and deaths due to extreme weather events
- Food & nutrition security
- Disruption to water, sanitation and wastewater services
- Disruption to health service provision
- Overwhelming of health service provision due to increased demand
- Lack of climate-informed surveillance, preparedness, early warning and response
- Damage/destruction to health infrastructure and technology
- Disruption of health-related services
- Other, please specify
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Timeframe of impact | Identify which vulnerable populations are affected by the selected health issue(s) | What factors affect your jurisdiction’s ability to address the selected health issues | Comment |
Select from: - Short-term (by 2025)
- Medium-term (2026-2050)
- Long-term (after 2050)
- Not known (not possible to define)
| Select all that apply: - Women and girls
- Children and youth
- Elderly
- Indigenous peoples
- Marginalized / minority communities
- Vulnerable health groups
- Low-income households
- Outdoor workers
- Frontline workers
- Other, please specify
- Do not know
| Select all that apply:- Lack of financial capacity
- Lack of expertise/technical capacity
- Lack of financial capacity and expertise/technical capacity
- Lack of political priority
- No factors affect the jurisdiction’s ability to address health issues
- Other, please specify
| Text field |
[Add Row]
Air Quality
(3.9) Report the following air pollution data for the jurisdiction.
Change From Last Year
Modified question (2022 3.10)
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG3, SDG11
Response Options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the 'Add Row’ button at the bottom of the table.
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
Air pollution metric
Number of air quality monitoring stations measuring this pollutant in your jurisdiction* | Year data was collected* | Weblink to air pollution data from monitoring site(s)
Select from:
- Particulate Matter PM2.5 concentration (annual average) level (ug/m3)
- NO2 concentration (annual average) level (ug/m3)
- Number of days exceeding air quality guidelines/standards (times/year)
- Other air pollution metric, please specify
- No air pollution data to report
Numeric field
Numeric field | Numeric field | Text field
Text field
[Add Row]
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
(3.10) Provide details of the household access to water, sanitation services and water consumption in your jurisdiction.
Change From Last Year
No change (2022 3.11)
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- Race to Resilience
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG6
Response Options
Please complete the following table:
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
Data availability | Percentage of households with access to safely managed drinking water services* |
Percentage of households with access to safely managed sanitation services* |
Household water consumption (litres/capita/day)* | Comment |
Select all that apply:- Data is available for the percentage of households with access to safely managed drinking water services
- Data is available for the percentage of households with access to safely managed sanitation services
- Data is available for the average household water consumption in litres per capita per day
- None of the above data is available to report
| Percentage field
Percentage field
Numeric field
| Text field |
Food data
(3.11) What percentage of your population is food insecure and/or lives in a food desert?
Change From Last Year
No change (2022 3.12)
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- Race to Resilience
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG2
Response Option
Please complete the following table:
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
Data availability | Percentage of population that is food insecure* | Percentage of population that lives in a food desert* | Comment |
Select all that apply:- Data available for the percentage of population that is food insecure
- Data available for the percentage of population that lives in a food desert
- No data available for the percentage of population that is food insecure/lives in a food desert
| Percentage field | Percentage field | Text field |
(3.12) Report the total quantity of food that is
procured (in tonnes) for government-owned and/or operated facilities
(including municipal facilities, schools, hospitals, youth centers,
shelters, public canteens, prisons etc.). If available, please provide a
breakdown per food group.
Change from Last Year
No change (2022 3.13)
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG2, SDG12
Response Options
Please complete the following table.
Total quantity of food procured (tonnes)
Breakdown of procured food by food group
Year data applies to
Numeric field
Text field and attachment function
Numeric field
Text field
Water Data
(3.13) Report the sources of your jurisdiction’s water supply, volumes withdrawn per source, and the projected change.
Change From Last Year
No change (2022 3.14)
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- Race to Resilience
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG6
Response Options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
Source of jurisdiction’s water supply
Are you able to report volumetric data for this source?*
Annual volume of water withdrawn per source (in megalitres)*
Projected level of change over next 5-10 years*
Select from:
- Fresh surface water, including rainwater, water from wetlands, rivers and lakes
- Ground water (non-renewable)
- Ground water (renewable)
- Desalinated seawater
- Other, please specify
- Jurisdiction does not have this data
Select from:
Numeric field
Select from:
- Much less volume projected to be withdrawn
- Less volume projected to be withdrawn
- About the same volume projected to be withdrawn
- Higher volume projected to be withdrawn
- Much higher volume projected to be withdrawn
- Do not know
Text field
[Add Row]
Module: Targets
4. Adaptation Goals
(4.1) Does your jurisdiction have an adaptation goal(s) in place? If no adaptation goal is in place, please indicate the primary reason why.
Change From Last Year
No change to question, additional guidance
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Adaptation Pillar^
- TCFD: Metric and Targets (Disclosure C)
- Race to Resilience
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Select one of the following options:
- Yes, our jurisdiction has an adaptation goal(s)
- No, but we are planning to introduce a goal in the next two years
- No, and not intending to set a goal
- No, due to a lack of resources
- No, as our goal is already achieved
- No, due to a reason not listed above
(4.1a) Report your jurisdiction’s main adaptation goals.
Change From Last Year
Minor change to question, additional guidance
Question Dependencies
This question is presented if ‘Yes, our jurisdiction has an adaptation goal(s)’ is selected in response to 4.1.
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Adaptation Pillar^
- TCFD: Metric and Targets (Disclosure C)
- Race to Resilience
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Select a reference ID for the goal | Adaptation goal^ | Climate hazards that goal addresses^ | Base year of goal (or year goal was established if no base year)^ | Target year of goal^ | Description of metric / indicator used to track goal^ | Comment |
Select from:
Text field
| Select all that apply:- Heat stress
- Extreme heat
- Extreme cold
- Snow and ice
- Drought
- Water stress
- Increased water demand
- Fire weather (risk of wildfires)
- Urban flooding
- River flooding
- Coastal flooding (incl. sea level rise)
- Other coastal events
- Oceanic events
- Hurricanes, cyclones and/or typhoons
- Extreme wind
- Storm
- Heavy precipitation
- Mass movement
- Biodiversity loss
- Loss of green space/green cover
- Soil degradation/erosion
- Other forms of climate-induced landscape shift/degradation
- Infectious disease
- Other, please specify
| Numeric field | Numeric field | Text field | Text field |
[Add Row]
5. Mitigation Targets
Emissions targets
(5.1) Does your jurisdiction have an active greenhouse gas emissions reduction target(s) in place? Please include long-term and/or mid-term targets. If no active GHG emissions reduction target is in place, please indicate the primary reason why.
Change From Last Year
No change to question, additional guidance
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Mitigation Pillar^
- TCFD: Metric and Targets (Disclosure C)
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- Race to Zero
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Select from:
- Yes, our jurisdiction has an active greenhouse gas emissions reduction target(s)
- No, but we are planning to introduce a target in the next two years
- No, as our emissions are not fully calculated
- No, and not intending to set a target
- No, due to a lack of resources
- No, as our target is already achieved
- No, due to a reason not listed above
(5.1a) Provide details of your emissions reduction target(s). Please report both long-term and mid-term targets, if applicable.
Change From Last Year
Minor change
Question Dependencies
This question is presented if ‘Yes, our jurisdiction has an active greenhouse gas emissions reduction target(s)’ is selected in response to 5.1.
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Mitigation Pillar^
- TCFD: Metric and Targets (Disclosure C)
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- Race to Zero
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question). Please ensure all reported emissions data is in metric tonnes CO2e.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Select a reference ID for the target
Target type (selection mandatory)^
Boundary of target relative to jurisdiction boundary^
Emissions sources covered by target^
Are carbon credits currently used or planned to be used to achieve this target?^
Select from:
Select from:
- Base year emissions (absolute) target
- Fixed-level target
- Base year intensity target based on emissions per capita
- Base year intensity target based on emissions per unit GDP
- Baseline scenario target
Select from:
- Same - covers entire jurisdiction and nothing else
- Smaller - covers only part of the jurisdiction, please explain exclusions
- Larger - covers the whole jurisdiction and adjoining areas, please explain additions
- Partial - covers part of the jurisdiction and adjoining areas, please explain exclusions/additions
- Government operations – covers only emission sources owned and operated by jurisdictions government
Select from:
- Target covers all the emissions sources which are included in the jurisdiction inventory
- Target covers all the BASIC (GPC) emissions sources which are included in jurisdiction inventory
- Target covers all the BASIC (GPC) emissions sources plus other indirect emissions (Scope 3) included in jurisdiction inventory, please specify other indirect emissions covered
- Target covers direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect emissions from grid-supplied energy (Scope 2) included in jurisdiction inventory
- Target covers all direct emissions (Scope 1) included in jurisdiction inventory
- Not all emissions sources included in jurisdiction inventory are covered by target, please specify exclusions
- Only energy emissions sources included in jurisdiction inventory are covered by target
- Only transport emissions sources included in jurisdiction inventory are covered by target
- Only waste emissions sources included in jurisdiction inventory are covered by target
- Our jurisdiction has not yet developed an emissions inventory
- Other, please specify
Select from:
- Yes, this target will be achieved using carbon credits and the number of credits required has been quantified
- Yes, this target will be achieved using carbon credits but the number of credits required has not been quantified
- No, this target will not use carbon credits
- We do not know if this target will be achieved using carbon credits
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Percentage of target to be met using carbon credits generated from outside jurisdiction or target boundary*^
Year target was established
Covered emissions in year target was established (metric tonnes CO2e)
Base year*^
Covered emissions in base year (metric tonnes CO2e)*^
Percentage field
Numeric field
Numeric field
Numeric field
Numeric field
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15/16 |
17 |
Emissions intensity figure in base year (metric tonnes CO2e per capita or GDP)*^
Target year^
Estimated business as usual emissions in target year (metric tonnes CO2e)*^
Percentage of emissions reduction (including offsets and carbon dioxide removal)*^
Net emissions in target year (after offsets and carbon dioxide removal) (metric tonnes CO2e)*^
Projected population in target year
Numeric field
Numeric field
Numeric field
Percentage field
Auto-calculated / Numeric field
Numeric field
18 |
19 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
Specify if target is considered a science-based target (SBT) and the SBT methodology it aligns to
Covered emissions in most recent inventory (metric tonnes CO2e)
Is this target the jurisdiction's most ambitious target?
Alignment with Nationally Determined Contribution
Select the conditional components of your emissions reduction target
Please explain^
Select from:
- Yes, our jurisdiction considers the target to be science-based (select applicable methodology)
- WWF's One Planet City Challenge (OPCC)
- C40 Cities Deadline 2020
- Tyndall Centre
- Other, please specify
- Not aligned with an SBT methodology
Numeric field
Select from:
- Yes
- No, but it is a mid-term target for the most ambitious target
- No
- Do not know
Select from:
- This target is as ambitious as the Nationally Determined Contribution
- This target is more ambitious than the Nationally Determined Contribution
- This target is not as ambitious as the Nationally Determined Contribution
- Do not know if this target is as ambitious as the Nationally Determined Contribution
Select all that apply:
- This target is not conditional on the success of an externality or component of policy outside of direct control of jurisdiction administration
- Target is conditional on mitigation in emissions sources that are controlled by a higher level of government
- Target is conditional on mitigation in emissions sources that are controlled by private entity outside of direct control of jurisdiction administration
- Target is conditional on complete implementation of legislation, regulation and/or policy set by a higher level of government
- Target is conditional on additional state or regional/national legislation, regulation and/or policy
- Conditional on the provision of national funding for infrastructure (e.g., renewable energy generation, energy efficiency measures etc.)
- Target is conditional on the decarbonization of the electricity grid that is outside the direct control of jurisdiction administration
- Target is conditional on the implementation of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology
- Target is conditional on the development or scaling up of other innovative technologies
- Target is conditional on a reduction in emissions from air travel that is outside the direct control of jurisdiction administration
- Do not know
- Other, please specify
Text field and attachment
[Add Row]
(5.1b) Provide details on the current or planned use of carbon credits sold to or purchased from outside the jurisdiction or target boundary.
Change From Last Year
No change
Question Dependencies
This question is presented if ‘Yes, this target will be achieved using carbon credits and the number of credits required has been quantified’ is selected in response to 5.1a Column ‘Are carbon credits currently used or planned to be used to achieve this target?'.
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Mitigation Pillar^
- Race to Zero
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
Response Options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
Type of carbon credits
Identify target
Emissions purchased/sold (metric tonnes CO2e)
Verified to which standard |
Outline the crediting period and country(ies)/area(s) where offsetting efforts are or will be taking place
| Comment |
Select from:
- Offset credit transactions purchased from outside of the boundary
- Offset credit transactions generated within the boundary and sold
- Other, please specify
Select from:
Target reference ID (populated based on reported targets)
Numeric field
Select from:- Carbon Registry
- Clean Development Mechanism
- Climate Action Reserve
- Gold Standard
- Verified Carbon Standard
- Verra
- Not yet verified
- Do not know
- Other, please specify
Text field
| Text field |
[Add Row]
6. Sector Targets
Energy and other climate-related targets
(6.1) Provide details of your jurisdiction's energy-related targets active in the reporting year. In addition, you can report other climate-related targets active in the reporting year.
Change From Last Year
Minor change
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Energy Access and Poverty Pillar^
- TCFD: Metric and Targets (Disclosure C)
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- Race to Resilience
- Race to Zero
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
Response Options
Please complete the following table. The table is displayed over several rows for readability. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Target type (selection mandatory)^
Target description
Boundary of target relative to jurisdiction boundary^
Year target was established
Base year^
If target type is renewable energy or energy efficiency:
Metric used to measure target*^
If target type is not renewable energy or energy efficiency:
Metric used to measure target^
Select from:
Appendix D (Sector targets)
Text field
Select from:
- Same - covers entire jurisdiction and nothing else
- Smaller - covers only part of the jurisdiction, please explain exclusions
- Larger - covers the whole jurisdiction and adjoining areas, please explain additions
- Partial - covers part of the jurisdiction and adjoining areas, please explain exclusions/additions
- Government operations – covers only functions owned and operated by jurisdictions government
- Other, please specify
Numeric field
Numeric field
Select from:
- kW
- MW
- GW
- kWh
- MWh
- GWh
- Percentage (%)
- Other, please specify
Text field
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
Metric value in base year^ | Target year^ | Metric value in target year^ | Metric value in most recent year data is available | If target type is renewable energy:
Percentage of total energy that is renewable in target year*
| Is this target publicly available? | Progress made towards target |
Numeric field
| Numeric field | Numeric field
| Numeric field
| Percentage field | Select from:
- Yes, provide link/attachment
- No
- Other, please specify
- Do not know
| Text field
[Add Row]
Module: Planning
Climate Action Planning
(7.1) Does your jurisdiction have a climate action plan or strategy that addresses mitigation, adaptation (resilience), and/or energy?
Change From Last Year
Minor change
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Adaptation, Mitigation, Energy Access and Poverty Pillars^
- TCFD: Strategy (Disclosure C)
- Race to Resilience
- Race to Zero
- NetZeroCities: Required
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Select from:
- Yes, our jurisdiction has a climate action plan or strategy
- No, but we are currently undertaking one and it will be complete in the next year
- No, but we are intending to undertake one in the next two years
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to lack of financial capacity
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to lack of expertise/technical capacity
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to lack of financial capacity and expertise/technical capacity
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to other higher priorities
- No, and we are not intending to undertake due to a reason not listed above, please specify
(7.1a) Report details on the climate action plan or strategy that addresses mitigation, adaptation (resilience), and/or energy-related issues in your jurisdiction.
If your jurisdiction has separate mitigation, adaptation, and/or energy-related plans, please report all individually in separate rows.
Change From Last Year
Minor change to question, additional guidance
Question Dependencies
This question is presented if ‘Yes, our jurisdiction has a climate action plan or strategy’ is selected in response to 7.1.
Questionnaire Pathway
- Pathway 1: Columns 1 - 8, 15
- Pathway 2 and 3: Columns 1 - 15
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Adaptation, Mitigation, Energy Access and Poverty Pillars^
- TCFD: Strategy (Disclosure C)
- Race to Resilience
- Race to Zero
- NetZeroCities: Required
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG7, SDG11, SDG13, SDG17
Response Options
Please complete the following table. The table is displayed over several rows for readability. A ‘Please explain’ field will accompany this question to allow for any additional relevant information to be reported. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Climate action plan type^
Attachment/link and name of plan^
Confirm attachment/link provided to plan (selection mandatory)
Boundary of plan relative to jurisdiction boundary^
Select from:
- Integrated climate plan (addressing mitigation, adaptation and energy-related issues)
- Integrated climate plan (addressing mitigation and adaptation)
- Integrated climate plan (addressing mitigation and energy)
- Integrated climate plan (addressing adaptation and energy)
- Standalone mitigation plan
- Standalone adaptation plan
- Standalone energy-related plan
Text field and attachment function
Select from:
- The plan has been attached
- The plan can be accessed (unrestricted) on the link provided
- The plan has been attached and can be accessed (unrestricted) on the link provided
- Unable to provide an attachment and/or direct link to the plan
- Other, please specify
*Selecting an option in this column is mandatory for submission
Select from:
- Same (jurisdiction-wide) covers entire jurisdiction and nothing else
- Smaller - covers only part of the jurisdiction - please explain
- Larger - covers the whole jurisdiction and adjoining areas, please explain
- Partial - covers part of the jurisdiction and adjoining areas, please explain
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Processes for monitoring evaluation and updates of plan^
Funding sources and financial instruments to finance plan
Communities and organizations engaged^ |
Describe if and how climate-related scenarios have informed the plan
Select all that apply:
- Information on progress of plan is monitored and publicly reported annually
- Information on progress of plan is monitored and publicly reported at least every 3 years
- Information on progress of plan is monitored and publicly reported at least every 5 years
- Evaluation of plan takes place annually
- Evaluation of plan takes place at least every 3 years
- Evaluation of plan takes place at least every 5 years
- Updates to the plan are published annually
- Updates to the plan are published at least every 3 years
- Updates to the plan are published at least every 5 years
- Other, please specify
- No monitoring, evaluation or update processes in place
Select all that apply:
Funding sources
- Jurisdiction's own resources
- Regional funds and programmes
- National funds and programmes
- International (including ODA)
- Private
- Other, please specify source
Financial instruments
- Climate finance (carbon credits)
- Public-private partnerships
- Private partnerships (e.g., a combination of private investments)
- Other, please specify source
Select all that apply:
- National government and/or agencies
- Indigenous peoples
- State/regional government(s) and/or agencies
- Local government (s) and/or agencies
- Citizens
- Vulnerable population groups
- Academia
- Business and private sector
- Trade unions
- Non-governmental organisations
- No communities or organizations engaged
- Other, please specify
Text field
9 | 10 |
11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Primary author(s) of plan^ | Assessment of co-benefits, trade-offs, and synergies of actions included in plan^ |
Year of formal approval of plan^ |
End year of plan
| Total cost of implementation of plan (in currency specified in 0.1) | Sectors covered by action plan | Please explain |
Select all that apply: - Dedicated team within jurisdiction
- Relevant department within jurisdiction
- Consultant
- International organization
- Community group
- Regional / state / provincial government
- National / central government
- Other
Select all that apply:
- Plan assesses co-benefits of actions
- Plan assesses trade-offs of actions
- Plan assesses synergies of actions
- Plan does not assess synergies, trade-offs and co-benefits of actions
- Do not know
- Other, please specify
Numeric field
Numeric field
| Numeric field | Select al that apply:- Agriculture
- Forestry
- Fishing
- Mining and quarrying
- Manufacturing
- Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- Water supply
- Sewerage, wastewater management and remediation activities
- Waste management
- Administrative and support service activities
- Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- Conservation
- Construction
- Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- Transportation and storage
- Accommodation and food service activities
- Information and communication
- Financial and insurance activities
- Real estate activities
- Professional, scientific and technical activities
- Education
- Human health and social work activities
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Other, please specify
| Text field |
[Add row]
Sector Action Planning
(7.2) Report details on the other climate-related plans, policies and/or strategies in your jurisdiction.
Change From Last Year
Minor change
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- Race to Resilience
- Race to Zero
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13
Response Option
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
Area of plan, policy, and/or strategy
Attachment/ link and name of plan*
Current status of plan*
Boundary of plan relative to jurisdiction boundary*
Year of formal approval of plan*
End year of plan*
Select from:
- Climate emergency declaration
- Air quality
- Food policy
- Buildings
- Green infrastructure
- Biodiversity
- Health and wellbeing
- Heat emergency
- Flood management
- Deforestation, forest degradation and/or forest restoration
- Forest management plan to address mining and infrastructure drivers
- Sustainable urban mobility
- Spatial development
- Water security/quality
- Just transition
- Circular economy
- Waste management (inc. recycling)
- Urban greening
- Other, please specify
- No other climate-related plans and/or strategies in the jurisdiction to report
Text field and attachment function
Select from:
- In implementation
- Implementation complete
- Monitoring and evaluation in progress
- Plan update in progress
- Other, please specify
Select from:
- Same – covers entire jurisdiction and nothing else
- Smaller – covers only part of the jurisdiction, please explain
- Larger – covers the whole jurisdiction and adjoining areas, please explain
- Partial – covers part of the jurisdiction and adjoining areas, please explain
Numeric field
Numeric field
Text field
[Add Row]
Consumption Based Emissions Strategy
(7.3) Does your jurisdiction have a strategy for reducing emissions from consumption of the most relevant goods and services?
Change From Last Year
Modified question
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG12, SDG13
Response Options
Please complete the following table.
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
Which consumption categories does the strategy cover?
Provide a link and/or attachment to the strategy addressing emissions from consumption of the most relevant goods and services*
Highlight any specific action the jurisdiction is implementing to reduce emissions from the consumption of goods and services in this category
Select from:
- Yes, including community action
- Yes, for jurisdiction action only
- Strategy in this sector does not focus on emissions reduction
- No strategy that addresses consumption-based emissions from this sector
- Do not know
Text field + attachment function
Text field
Construction and demolition
As above
Text field + attachment function
Text field
As above
Text field + attachment function
Text field
Clothing and textiles
As above
Text field + attachment function
Text field
Household appliances and electronics
As above
Text field + attachment function
Text field
As above
Text field + attachment function
Text field
Waste management
As above
Text field + attachment function
Text field
As above
Text field + attachment function
Text field
Sustainable Public Procurement
(7.4) Does your jurisdiction have a strategy or standard for reducing emissions from the jurisdiction’s procurement and purchase of goods and services?
Change From Last Year
New question
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG12
- NetZeroCities Initiative: Required
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
Response Options
Please complete the following table.
Provide a link and/or attachment to the strategy or standards addressing emissions from the city’s procurement* |
Highlight any specific action the jurisdiction is implementing to reduce emissions from its own consumption* |
Select from:
Text field + attachment function
Text field
(7.5) Describe any planned climate-related projects within your jurisdiction for which you hope to attract financing.
Change From Last Year
Minor change (2022 7.4)
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
Response Options
Please complete the following table. The table is displayed over several rows for readability. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Project area
Project title*
Stage of project development*
Status of financing*
Select from:
- Buildings
- Energy
efficiency (including public lighting)
- Renewable
- Transport
- Waste
management (including waste recycling)
- Water
- Health systems and services
- Sustainable
food consumption/production
- Land-Use
- Nature-Based
- Public
and green spaces
- Landscape and Jurisdictional Approaches
- Jurisdictional REDD+ Program
- Other,
please specify
- No relevant projects
Text field
Select from:
- Scoping
- Pre-feasibility/impact assessment
- Project feasibility
- Project structuring
- Transaction preparation
- Implementation
- Post implementation
Select from:
- Project not funded and seeking partial funding
- Project not funded and seeking full funding
- Project partially funded and seeking additional funding
- Other, please specify
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Identified financing model*
Project description and attach project proposal*
Total cost of project (in currency specified in 0.1)*
Total investment cost needed if relevant (in currency specified in 0.1)*
Select all that apply:
- Grants
- Loans from commercial banks
- Bonds
- Loans from International Financial Institutions
- Private investment
- Public finance- own budget
- Public finance- national government
- Public-private partnership
- Carbon markets
- No financing model identified
- Other, please specify
Text field and attachment function
Numeric field
Numeric field
[Add Row]
(7.6) Report the factors that support climate-related investment and financial planning in your jurisdiction.
Change From Last Year
No change (2022 7.5)
Questionnaire Pathway
Connection to Other Frameworks
- NetZeroCities: Required
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG17
Response Options
Please complete the following table:
Climate finance area
Mechanisms used by jurisdiction to access finance for climate-related projects
Select all that apply:
Appendix E (Financing climate action)
Text field
Credit rating of jurisdiction
Select all that apply:
- Jurisdiction has an international credit rating
- Jurisdiction has a domestic credit rating
- Jurisdiction is taking steps to attain an international or domestic credit rating
- Jurisdiction does not have an international or domestic credit rating
- Other, please specify
- Do not know
Text field
Decarbonising jurisdiction's investments
Select all that apply:
- Jurisdiction has taken steps to decarbonise the investments held by the jurisdiction retirement funds by investing in the low-carbon economy
- Jurisdiction has taken steps to decarbonise the investments held by the jurisdiction retirement funds by divesting from fossil fuels
- Jurisdiction has taken steps to decarbonise municipal investments
- Jurisdiction has taken steps to decarbonise other investments
- Other, please specify
- Do not know
Text field
Module: Actions
Adaptation Actions
(8.1) Describe the outcomes of the most significant adaptation actions your jurisdiction is currently undertaking. Note that this can include those in the planning and/or implementation phase.
Change From Last Year
Minor change to question, additional guidance
Questionnaire Pathway
- Pathway 1: Columns 1 - 9
- Pathway 2 and 3: Columns 1 - 12
- Column 13 and 14 shown only to GCoM cities
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Adaptation Pillar and Energy Access and Energy Poverty Pillar^
- TCFD: Metric and Targets (Disclosure A)
- Race to Resilience
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Action (selections mandatory)^ |
Climate hazard(s) that action addresses^
Action description and web link to further information^
Sectors adaptation action applies to^
Select from: Appendix B (Adaptation actions)
Select all that apply:
Drop-down options will be populated with selections from 1.2 column 1
- Heat stress
- Extreme heat
- Extreme cold
- Snow and ice
- Drought
- Water stress
- Increased water demand
- Fire weather (risk of wildfires)
- Urban flooding
- River flooding
- Coastal flooding (incl. sea level rise)
- Other coastal events
- Oceanic events
- Hurricanes, cyclones, and/or typhoons
- Extreme wind
- Storm
- Heavy precipitation
- Mass movement
- Biodiversity loss
- Loss of green space/green cover
- Soil degradation/erosion
- Other forms of climate-induced landscape shift/degradation
- Infectious disease
- Other, please specify
- Action does not address hazard
Text field
Select all that apply:
- Agriculture
- Forestry
- Fishing
- Mining and quarrying
- Manufacturing
- Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- Water supply
- Sewerage, wastewater management and remediation activities
- Waste management
- Administrative and support service activities
- Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- Conservation
- Construction
- Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- Transportation and storage
- Accommodation and food service activities
- Information and communication
- Financial and insurance activities
- Real estate activities
- Professional, scientific and technical activities
- Education
- Human health and social work activities
- Arts, entertainment and recreation
- Other, please specify
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Co-benefits realized^
Timeframe for which increased resilience is expected to last
Proportion of the total jurisdiction population with increased resilience due to adaptation action
Proportion of natural systems with increased resilience due to adaptation action
Funding source(s)
Select all that apply:
- Job creation
- Revenue generation
- Reduced costs
- Increased energy security
- Business/technological innovation
- Increased labor productivity
- Improved labor conditions
- Increased economic production
- Reduced natural resource depletion
- Reduced congestion
- Reduced disruption of energy, transport, water or communications networks
- Increased water security
- Increased food security
- Improved mobility and access
- Improved road safety
- Increased access to energy
- Reduced fuel/energy poverty
- Increased security/protection for poor/vulnerable populations
- Increased social inclusion, equality and justice
- Increased transparency and accountability
- Improved education and public awareness on climate issues
- Fewer or no households and businesses forced from homes/places of work
- Undertaken in collaboration with Indigenous peoples
Public Health
- Improved physical health
- Improved mental wellbeing/quality of life
- Improved air quality
- Improved preparedness for health service delivery
- Reduced health impacts from extreme heat or cold weather
- Reduced disaster/disease/contamination-related health impacts
- Reduced premature deaths
- Reduced health costs
- Reduced GHG emissions
- Improved water/soil quality
- Improved waste management
- Reduced noise/light pollution
- Increased/improved green space
- Protected/improved biodiversity and ecosystem services
Other impacts measured
- Other impacts from climate actions, please specify
- Do not know
Select from:
- Short-term (by 2025)
- Medium-term (2026-2050)
- Long-term (after 2050)
- Not known (not possible to define)
- Do not know
Select from:
- <10%
- 10-20%
- 20-30%
- 30-40%
- 40-50%
- 50-60%
- 60-70%
- 70-80%
- 80-90%
- 90-100%
- I do not have this data
Select from:
- <10%
- 10-20%
- 20-30%
- 30-40%
- 40-50%
- 50-60%
- 60-70%
- 70-80%
- 80-90%
- 90-100%
- I do not have this data
Select all that apply:
- Jurisdiction's own resources
- Regional funds
and programmes
- National funds
and programmes
- International
(including ODA)
- Climate finance
(carbon credits)
- Public-private
- Private
partnerships (e.g., a combination of private investments)
- Other, please specify source(s)
10 | 11 | 12 |
Status of action in the reporting year^ | Inclusion in climate action plan and/or jurisdiction development/master plan^ | Total cost of action (in currency specified in 0.1) |
Select from: Pre-implementation
- Scoping
- Pre-feasibility study
- Feasibility finalized, but currently no finance secured
- Feasibility finalized, and finance partially secured
- Feasibility finalized, and finance fully secured
- Implementation complete in the reporting year
- Implementation underway with completion expected in less than one year
- Implementation underway with completion expected in more than one year
Post-implementation/Operation - Action in operation (jurisdiction-wide)
- Action in operation (across most of jurisdiction)
- Action in operation (targeted to sector/location)
- Other, please specify
| Select from:- Action is included in climate action plan and/or development/master plan
- Action is not included in climate action plan and/or development/master plan
- No climate action plan and/or development/master plan has been developed
- Other, please specify
| Numeric field |
[Add Row]
Mitigation Actions
(9.1) Describe the outcomes of the most significant mitigation actions your jurisdiction is currently undertaking. Note that this can include those in the planning and/or implementation phases.
Change From Last Year
Minor change
Questionnaire Pathway
- Pathway 1: Column 1 - 10
- Pathway 2 and 3: Column 1 - 13
- Column 14 and 15 shown only to GCoM cities
Connection to Other Frameworks
- GCoM: Mitigation and Energy Access and Energy Poverty Pillar^
- TCFD: Metric and Targets (Disclosure A)
- Race to Zero
- NetZeroCities: Recommended
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Required
- Sustainable Development Goals: SDG11, SDG13
Response Options
Please complete the following table. The table is displayed over several rows for readability. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
(*column/row appearance is dependent on selections in this question)
Primary emissions sector addressed and action type (selections mandatory)^
Action description and web link to further information^
Start year of action
Year for which mitigation is expected to last
Impact indicators measured^
Select from:
Appendix C (Mitigation actions)
Text field
Numeric field
Select from:
- Drop-down list of years (2023-2050, 2051 or later)
- End year not known/not applicable
Select all that apply:
- Estimated emissions reductions due to action
- Estimated annual energy savings due to action
- Estimated annual renewable energy generated due to action
- None of the above impacts associated with this action have been measured
- Other impact indicator, please specify
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Estimated emissions reductions (metric tons CO2e)*^
| Estimated annual energy savings (MWh)*^
| Estimated annual renewable energy generation (MWh)*^
| Co-benefits realized^ | Funding source(s)
Numeric field | Numeric field | Numeric field | Select all that apply: Economic
- Job creation
- Revenue generation
- Reduced costs
- Increased energy security
- Business/technological innovation
- Increased labor productivity
- Improved labor conditions
- Increased economic production
- Reduced natural resource depletion
- Reduced congestion
- Reduced disruption of energy, transport, water and communications networks
- Increased water security
- Increased food security
- Improved mobility and access
- Improved road safety
- Increased access to energy
- Reduced fuel/energy poverty
- Increased security/protection for poor/vulnerable populations
- Increased social inclusion, equality and justice
- Increased transparency and accountability
- Improved education and public awareness
- Enhanced climate change adaptation
- Enhanced resilience to shocks and disasters
- Undertaken in collaboration with Indigenous peoples
Public Health
- Improved physical health
- Improved mental wellbeing/quality of life
- Improved air quality
- Improved preparedness for health service delivery
- Reduced health impacts from extreme heat or cold weather
- Reduced disaster/disease/contamination-related health impacts
- Reduced premature deaths
- Reduced health costs
- Improved water/soil quality
- Improved waste management
- Reduced noise/light pollution
- Increased/improved green space
- Protected/improved biodiversity and ecosystem services
Other impacts measured
- Other impacts from climate actions
- Do not know
| Select all that apply:
- Jurisdiction's own resources
- Regional funds and programmes
- National funds and programmes
- International (including ODA)
- Climate finance (carbon credits)
- Public-private partnerships
- Private partnerships (e.g., a combination of private investments)
- Other, please specify source(s)
11 | 12 | 13 |
Status of action in the reporting year^ | Inclusion in climate action plan and/or jurisdiction development/master plan^ | Total cost of action (in currency specified in 0.1) |
Select from: Pre-implementation
- Scoping
- Pre-feasibility study
- Feasibility finalized, but currently no finance secured
- Feasibility finalized, and finance partially secured
- Feasibility finalized, and finance fully secured
- Implementation complete in the reporting year
- Implementation underway with completion expected in less than one year
- Implementation underway with completion expected in more than one year
- Action in operation (jurisdiction-wide)
- Action in operation (across most of jurisdiction)
- Action in operation (targeted to sector/location)
- Other, please specify
| Select from:- Action is included in climate action plan and/or development/master plan
- Action is not included in climate action plan and/or development/master plan
- No climate action plan and/or development/master plan has been developed
- Other, please specify
| Numeric field |
[Add Row]
Further information
(10.1) Use this field to provide any additional information or context that you feel is relevant to your jurisdiction's response. Please note that this field is optional and is not scored/assessed.
Change From Last Year
No change
Connection to Other Frameworks
- WWF One Planet City Challenge: Recommended
Response Options
This is an open text question with a limit of 9,999 characters plus attachment functionality.
Please note that when copying from another document into the reporting system, formatting is not retained. This could include sharing information on innovative tools, mechanisms or best practices resulting from the development of new or innovation solutions that could be replicated in other jurisdictions.
- Information reported in this question could include:
- An estimate of the quantity of data (in MB or GB) your jurisdiction needed to collect from internal departments and external partners in order to be able to respond to the questionnaire.