Appendix C: Mitigation actions
Stationary energy
- Building codes and standards
- Building performance rating and reporting
- Energy efficiency/ retrofit measures addressing existing commercial, residential and/or municipal buildings
- Requirements which incentivize net zero carbon, Passivhaus or other ultra-high-efficiency standards for new buildings
- Requirements which incentivize net zero carbon, Passivhaus or other ultra high-efficiency standards for existing buildings
- Action to advance net zero carbon municipal buildings
- On-site renewable energy generation
- Switching to consumption of low-carbon fuels
- Electrical appliance performance ratings
- LED / CFL / other luminaire technologies
- Smart meters
- Smart lighting
- Domestic and/or commercial heat network
- Increase use of clean energy sources for heating and cooling buildings
- Domestic and/or commercial scale battery storage
- Demand-side management billing (inc. time-of-use tariffs/billing)
- Purchase of low-carbon electricity, heat, steam or cooling (i.e., power purchase agreement, supply agreement, renewable energy credit or other sourcing method)
- Wastewater to energy initiatives
- Other, please specify
- Improve fuel economy and reduce CO2 emissions from bus and/or light rail
- Improve fuel economy and reduce CO2 emissions from ferries
- Improve fuel economy and reduce CO2 emissions from trucks
- Improve fuel economy and reduce CO2 emissions from aviation
- Improve fuel economy and reduce CO2 emissions from motorized vehicles
- Improve bus infrastructure, services, and operations
- Improve rail, metro, and tram infrastructure, services and operations
- Improve the efficiency of freight systems
- Improve the operations of shipping ports
- Improve the efficiency of long-haul transport
- Procurement of zero emissions buses
- Procurement of electric vehicles for government fleet
- Advance micromobility transportation
- Electric vehicle charging points and infrastructure
- Public-use bicycles/Bike share schemes
- Awareness and education for non-motorized transport
- Smart public transport
- Improve walking, cycling and integrated transit access
- Transportation demand management
- Transit oriented development
- Measure that restricts internal combustion engines
- Development of zero emission zones
- Development of 15/30-minute neighborhoods (complete neighborhoods)
- Other, please specify
- Bans or restrictions on single use or non-recyclable materials
- Criteria to design for durability, reparability and recycling in public procurement
- Increase awareness/engage public on waste reduction/recycling measures
- Implement practices and policies to promote circular economy
- Improve the efficiency of waste collection
- Landfill management
- Reduce organics disposal to landfill and incinerators
- Adopt source separation policies (e.g., collection for dry recyclables, organic compostable waste, etc.)
- Ensuring residual waste is disposed of adequately (in at least an engineered sanitary landfill)
- Sanitary landfill with leachate capture and landfill gas management system
- Install advanced thermal treatment/waste to energy
- Install landfill gas management/landfill gas to energy
- Install anaerobic digestion
- Install municipal recycling points or centres (for residents or businesses)
- Install waste heat recovery
- Volume based waste collection policy (e.g., fees or incentives)
- Recycling or composting collections and/or facilities
- Waste prevention/recycling policies and programs
- Other, please specify
Industrial Processes and Product
- Low-carbon industrial zones
- Improve energy efficiency of industrial processes
- Promote industrial symbiosis/industrial ecology programs
- Action to decarbonize building/construction materials
- Promote reduced packaging
- Support green manufacturing
- Implement green public/private partnerships with industry
- Support digitalization of industry
- Regulate / incentivize reduction in use of CFC’s/HCFC’s/HFC’s
- Other, please specify
Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use
- Action to address deforestation within the jurisdiction
- Action to address forest degradation
- Conversion of natural habitats
- Forest restoration
- Green space and/ or biodiversity preservation and expansion
- Eco-district development strategy
- Promote conservation efforts for natural areas
- Undertake strategic environmental assessment
- Other, please specify
Generation of grid-supplied energy
- Low or zero carbon energy supply generation
- Optimize traditional power/ energy production
- Smart grid
- Transmission and distribution loss reduction
- Other, please specify
- Municipal/jurisdictional procurement policies that align with guidelines for sustainable, healthy diets (including a shift to low-carbon foods, plant-based or alternative proteins)
- Municipal/jurisdictional procurement policies that support sustainable food production practices
- Public policies or programs to encourage citizen dietary shift to sustainable, healthy diets (including incentivizing purchase of low-carbon foods, plant-based or alternative proteins)
- Policies intended to reduce jurisdiction-wide, food-related emissions
- Jurisdiction-wide food waste mitigation through business and municipal composting, food surplus, or scrap collection for animal feed
- Industrial food waste applications (e.g., rendering waste oils to fuel, or anaerobic biogas and methane capture for energy)
- Home food waste mitigation through compost collection or drop off sites (like community gardens)
- Policy, zoning, or financial support for local food production (such as farmers markets, community gardens, regional agriculture, etc.
- Other, please specify
Other sectoral action
- Community-Scale Development > Brownfield redevelopment programs
- Community-Scale Development > Policies to address urban sprawl
- Finance and Economic Development > Developing the green economy
- Finance and Economic Development > Instruments to fund low carbon projects
- Public Health > Climate resilient and low carbon or carbon neutral health systems
- Water > Water metering and billing
- Water > Water recycling and reclamation
- Water > Water use efficiency projects
- Construction > Procuring the use of zero emission construction machinery/low carbon materials
- Construction > Advancing use of Life Cycle Assessments in planning policy and processes
- Other, please specify
No mitigation action in place
- We are currently undertaking one and it will be complete in the next year
- We are intending to undertake one in the next two years
- We are not intending to undertake, specify why
- Other, please specify
Other, please specify