Introduction to Scoring
CDP works with cities to motivate them to disclose their impacts on the environment and take action to reduce negative impacts. The scoring methodology is designed to incentivize actions that are to a certain extent applicable to all cities regardless of geography or level of development. Scoring assesses the level of detail and comprehensiveness of a city’s actions and planning as reported in the CDP questionnaire, and does not consider any other actions and plans that are not reported within the questionnaire.
In order to receive scores which accurately reflect a city’s adaptation and mitigation actions, it’s important that the questionnaire is answered as thoroughly as possible, with a high level of completeness.
Scoring cities responses to the CDP questionnaire enables us to provide feedback to cities on the completeness of their response and their performance on climate action. Scoring allows CDP to recognize leadership in city climate action and encourage cities to follow best practice. Cities can use their score as a tool to identify gaps and improve climate planning incrementally each year. Cities can also use their score to benchmark their performance against the average scores of other cities in the same region.
Scores remain private to cities, but we highlight the leadership of cities who receive an A score.
In 2020, 88 cities, representing a combined population of 125 million people, received an A score.
This document provides information about our scoring methodology and indicates the steps cities can take to improve their response.
This guidance is correct as of [13th May 2021]. The guidance is subject to change, but we will notify users by email of any changes.
Scoring bands
Cities are assessed across four consecutive levels which represent the steps cities move through as they progress towards environmental stewardship. The levels are:
- Disclosure (D- or D): A city in the Disclosure scoring band has just started the journey of
understanding and reporting on climate impacts. These cities understand the
value of collecting data to drive climate action but may not have structures or
resources in place to obtain the necessary information. Cities in the
Disclosure band report on the degree to which climate impacts and risks have
been measured.
- Awareness (C- or C): A city in the Awareness scoring band is in the process of assessing the main risks and impacts of climate change. These cities have begun developing an assessment and measuring impacts to get a holistic understanding of the main effects climate change has on their city but is only beginning to take action to reduce them.
- Management (B- or B): A city in the Management band has understood the main risks and impacts of climate change and is taking action to adapt to and
reduce these effects. These cities have worked collaboratively with key stakeholders to understand their risks and impacts and now have plans in place
to mitigate and adapt.
- Leadership (A- or A): A Leadership city demonstrates best practice standards across adaptation and mitigation, has set ambitious but realistic goals and made progress towards achieving those goals. Cities in the Leadership band have strategic, holistic plans in place to ensure the actions they are taking will reduce climate
impacts and vulnerabilities of the citizens, businesses and organizations residing in their city.
In order to progress form one level to the next, cities must pass the threshold at each scoring band. For example, a city must receive enough points in the Disclosure band to pass the threshold before they will be scored in the next scoring band, Awareness. Cities do not need to meet every criteria listed to pass the threshold of a particular scoring band. However, the more criteria they meet, the higher the chance that the city will be able to earn enough points to surpass the threshold and be scored in the following band.
Essential criteria
Management and Leadership bands have essential criteria which MUST be met in order to receive a score within those bands. This means that regardless of all other criteria met, if a city does not meet the essential criteria in Management, their score will be reduced to Awareness level. In order to receive a Leadership score, a city must have met all essential criteria in Management and Leadership.
Cities should ensure that they have attached all essential criteria documents before submitting their response to the 2021 questionnaire in order to receive a score which truly reflects their planning and actions.
The essential criteria for 2021 is as follows:
Management essential criteria:
- Cities must respond "YES" to having an adaptation plan in question 3.2 and ATTACH their adaptation plan in question 3.2a OR cities must respond "YES" to having an action plan in question 5.5 and ATTACH an action plan in question 5.5a
- Cities must respond "YES" to having a city-wide emissions inventory in question 4.0
Leadership essential criteria:
- Cities must respond "YES" to having a vulnerability assessment in question 2.0 and must ATTACH their assessment in question 2.0b
- Cities must respond "YES" to having an adaptation plan in question 3.2 and ATTACH their adaptation plan in question 3.2a
- Cities must respond "YES" to having an action plan in question 5.5 and ATTACH an action plan in question 5.5a
- Cities must have a fully reported GHG emissions reduction target either:
- Sector, base year, base year emissions, target year, percentage reduction target ALL complete AND target year in future if answering 5.0a/5.0c/5.0d.
- Sector, target year, target year emissions ALL complete AND target year in future if answering 5.0b.
A list essential criteria:
- Cities must ATTACH a city-wide inventory in question 4.5
- Cities must submit their response publicly
Scores cities will receive in 2021
Cities who submit a response to the full Cities 2021 questionnaire before the scoring deadline will receive:
- One overall letter score indicating the overall level of climate disclosure and performance as assessed by the information provided in the response;
- One Adaptation letter score indicating the level of climate disclosure and performance as assessed by the information provided in the response to questions falling under Adaptation;
- One Mitigation letter score indicating the level of climate disclosure and performance as assessed by the information provided in the response to questions falling under Mitigation.
The table below specifies which sections of the questionnaire are assessed in either the Adaptation or Mitigation sub-score.
Section of the Questionnaire
Inclusion in sub-scores
City details and governance
Both Adaptation & Mitigation
Climate hazards and vulnerability
City-wide emissions
Emissions reduction
Both Adaptation & Mitigation
Water security
Changes to the scoring methodology since 2020
To support a reduction in the reporting effort to improve the disclosure experience, improve data quality and to facilitate year-on-year trend analysis the 2021 Cities questionnaire has undergone minor modifications. These changes inevitably result in slight alterations to the scoring methodology, though it remains broadly the same as in 2020.
In order to better align with the climate emergency we are facing, scoring of cities’ emissions reduction history and emissions reduction goals are being more heavily scored at Leadership level in 2021. In particular, this means that receiving a score which allows entrance onto the A list will be more dependent on a city’s ability to show a history of reducing emissions, and the existence of ambitious forward-facing targets to reach net-zero emissions. Although the 2021 methodology is a continuity of the 2020 methodology, these modifications may affect cities scores.
2021 Cities Scoring Methodology
The scoring methodology provides the full breakdown of the responses CDP is incentivizing within each scoring band for the CDP Cities 2021 questionnaire.
In the scoring methodology you will find for each scoring band:
- The responses that are needed to receive points in that band, broken down by questionnaire section;
- Any essential criteria that are required to achieve a score in that band.
Scoring criteria - City details & Governance
The questions in this section are scored under both Adaptation and Mitigation
Disclosure criteria
- Provides details of the city including administrative boundary, currency, current population and city geography
- Reports on which sustainability goals and targets are incorporated in your city's master plan and describes how each is incorporated
Awareness criteria
- Has already integrated, or is in the process of integrating sustainability into mainstream city planning
Management criteria
- Demonstrates specific sustainability goals which are already incorporated into
mainstream city planning
Leadership criteria
- Provides a detailed description of the sustainability goals that are integrated
in the main city plan
Scoring criteria - Climate hazards and vulnerability
The questions in this section are scored under Adaptation
Disclosure criteria
- Reports on the status of climate risk and vulnerability assessment being undertaken
by the city
- If a risk and vulnerability assessment exists, details are provided such as the primary
methodology and a description of the methodology, an attachment or weblink, the
year of publication or approval from the local government, the boundary of the assessment,
the areas/sectors covered, the primary author and whether the assessment
identifies vulnerable populations
- If a risk and vulnerability assessment has not been undertaken, a reason is provided
- Reports on the most significant climate hazards faced
by the city and indicates the probability and magnitude of the hazard, the social impacts and the
most relevant assets/services that are affected
- Reports the factors that affect the city’s ability to
adapt to climate change and whether these factors support or challenge the
city’s ability to adapt
- Reports on whether the city is facing risks to public
health systems associated with climate change
Awareness criteria
- Has a risk and vulnerability assessment or is working towards undertaking an assessment
- If a risk and vulnerability assessment exists, the methodology and boundary of the assessment are reported. If the
assessment does not cover at least the city boundary, an explanation is
- If a risk and vulnerability assessment has not been undertaken, a reasonable
response is provided
- Reports both the current and future probability and magnitude of climate hazards facing the city as
well as the social impact of the hazards
- Reports the level of degree to which factors challenge or support the adaptive
capacity of the city and provides a description on how the factor challenges or
supports the adaptive capacity of the city
Management criteria
- Has a risk and vulnerability assessment that includes vulnerable populations
- Reports on the areas/sectors covered by the risk and vulnerability assessment
- Reports the future change in frequency, future change in intensity, future expected
magnitude, social impact as well as which services in the city will be most affected
by the climate hazards facing the city
- Identifies the vulnerable populations affected by reported climate hazards
Leadership criteria
Essential criteria: Must attach a risk and vulnerability assessment in question 2.0b
- Attach a risk and vulnerability assessment
- Water supply and sanitation is one of the areas covered by the risk and vulnerability
- Understands the future change in frequency and intensity of all reported climate hazards
- Provides a detailed description of how the reported climate hazards are expected to impact in the future
Scoring criteria - Adaptation
The questions in this section are scored under Adaptation
Disclosure criteria
- Reports on the status of actions being taken to reduce the city’s
vulnerability from climate change impacts
- Reports on the status of a city-wide adaptation plan
being undertaken by the city
- If a city-wide adaptation plan exists, details are provided
such as the title, year of adoption, boundary, stage of implementation and primary
- If a city-wide adaptation plan does not exist, a reason is provided
- Reports on any adaptation goals the city may have
Awareness criteria
- Reports the actions being taken to reduce the city’s
vulnerability from climate change impacts and the sectors that the adaptation
action applies to
- Understands the co-benefit areas of the actions being
taken by the city
- Has a city-wide adaptation plan or is working towards undertaking one
- If a city-wide adaptation plan exists, the type of plan and
boundary of the plan are reported. If the plan does not cover at least the city
boundary, an explanation is provided
- If a city-wide adaptation plan does not exist, a reasonable
response is provided
- Reports the target year of the goal for the city's main adaptation efforts
Management criteria
Essential criteria: Must attach a city-wide adaptation or action plan at question 3.2a or 5.5a
- Actions being taken against climate hazards in the city are at least in the pre-implementation stage and the feasibility of finance has been undertaken on these
adaptation actions
- Reports relevant methods that will be used to support the
implementation of the adaptation actions
- Provides evidence of a climate adaptation plan covering at least the city boundary
- Reports the implementation status of the plan and the sectors/areas covered by the plan
- Has assessed or is in the process of assessing the synergies and trade-offs between adaptation and mitigation actions in the plan
- Provides a description of the stakeholder engagement processes in the plan
- Describes the metrics/indicators used to track the city’s adaptation goals
Leadership criteria
Essential criteria: Must attach a city-wide adaptation plan at question 3.2a
- Demonstrates action being taken on 100% of the climate hazards identified in
the city
- Describes how the actions being taken by the city have or will
reduce the impact of the climate hazards as well as the scope and timescale of
the actions
- Provides evidence of a climate adaptation plan which has been implemented or is in implementation
- Has assessed the synergies and trade-offs between adaptation and mitigation actions in the plan and gives a detailed description of what these trade-offs are
- The city has at least one adaptation goal that is reducing the vulnerability to a climate hazard which has a current or future expected magnitude of ‘Medium High’ or ‘High’
- The city has at least three adaptation goals addressing their climate hazards
- Describes metrics/indicators that clearly relate to the adaptation goals the city is monitoring and evaluating
Scoring criteria - City-wide emissions
The questions in this section are scored under Mitigation
Disclosure criteria
- Reports on the status of a city-wide emissions inventory
If an inventory does exist:
- Reports the accounting year, boundary, primary protocol and gases included in the inventory
- Provides the city-wide inventory title and population in the inventory year. Indicates the inventory
format and level of confidence associated with the total emissions figure
- Reports the total (Scope 1 + Scope 2) emissions calculated in the emissions
- Reports a breakdown of emissions as per the relevant emissions methodology (e.g.
by sector and scope) or where no breakdown is available, an explanation is
- Reports on whether there has been a change in emissions since the last emissions
inventory and an explanation for the change
- Reports on the status of a consumption-based inventory being undertaken by the city
- Reports on the status of external verification on the
emissions data reported
- Reports on whether any previously submitted inventories have changed due to recalculations
Awareness criteria
- Has a city-wide emissions inventory or intends to undertake a city-wide emissions inventory
If an inventory does exist:
- Reports a 12-month accounting period and the inventory covers the city boundary. If
the inventory does not cover the city boundary, an explanation is provided
- Reports the specific emissions Protocol used, and
which emissions factors and global warming potentials have been used in the
calculation of the inventory
- Reports total emissions, total Scope 1 and Scope 2 city-wide emissions
- Explains how and why emissions have changed compared to previous inventories (if any)
Management criteria
Essential criteria: Must have a city-wide emissions inventory at question 4.0
- The city-wide emissions inventory includes CO2, CH4 and N2O gases
- Attaches evidence of a city-wide emissions inventory and has a
medium or high overall level of confidence associated with the total emissions
figure reported
- Has a reduction in emissions compared to previous inventories,
or if emissions have increased, provides a reasonable explanation such as
improved data accuracy
- Details on historical and base year city-wide emissions inventories are provided, such as the scopes/boundaries covered by the inventory, the previous emissions and the methodology used to develop the inventory
Leadership criteria
Essential criteria for A list: Must attach a city-wide emissions inventory at question 4.5
- The latest city-wide emissions inventory should have an accounting
year within the last 4 years and includes the main Kyoto Protocol gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs,
PFCs, SF6, NF3)
- The city-wide inventory provided corresponds to the
accounting year reported
- Reports relevant emissions from Scope 3 sources and sector breakdown of emissions
covering the main sources of emissions as defined by the relevant protocol
- Emissions have reduced since the last inventory due to actions, plans or policies put in place.
A description on how actions have resulted in reductions is provided, including
the amount of emissions reduced
- Has undertaken or is intending to undertake a consumption-based inventory
- Emissions have been verified and provides evidence of the verification certificate
- Details on the base year city-wide emissions inventory are provided
Scoring criteria - Emissions reduction
The questions in this section are scored under Mitigation
Disclosure criteria
- Reports on the status of a city-wide emissions reduction
- If a target exists, details are provided such as the sector, base
year, year of target introduction, base year emissions, percentage reduction
target (or target year absolute emissions for fixed level targets), target year
and boundary of target
- If a target does not exist, a reason is provided
- Reports on the actions being undertaken by the city to
reduce city-wide emissions, the means of their implementation and their
implementation status
- Reports on the status of a climate action plan for
the city
- If a climate action plan exists, details are provided such as the
title, year of adoption, boundary, stage of implementation and primary author
- If a climate action plan does not exist, a reason is
Awareness criteria
- If a city-wide emissions reduction target exists, details are provided
such as target year, base year and target year introduction. The target should
at least cover the city boundary
- If a city-wide emissions reduction target does not exist, a reasonable
response is provided
- Provides a description of the action and the implementation progress
- Has a climate action plan or is working towards
undertaking one
- If a climate action plan exists, the focus area and boundary of the plan are
reported. If the plan does not cover at least the city boundary, an explanation
is provided
- If a climate action plan does not exist, a reasonable explanation
is provided
Management criteria
Essential criteria: Must attach a city-wide action or adaptation plan at question 5.5a or 3.2a
- Reports city-wide targets that demonstrate at least 2% annual emissions reductions
- Actions being taken to reduce city-wide emissions are
at least in the pre-implementation stage
- Feasibility of finance has been undertaken on emissions reduction actions
- Provides evidence of a climate action plan covering at least the city boundary
- Reports the implementation stage of the plan and the areas covered by the plan
- Has assessed or is in the process of assessing the synergies and trade-offs between adaptation and mitigation actions in the plan
Leadership criteria
Essential criteria: Must attach a city-wide action plan at question 5.5a and a fully reported emissions reduction target at question 5.0a/b/c/d
- Has set ambitious emissions reduction targets for all emissions in the city inventory which aim to reduce emissions by at least 80%
- Has set a base year emissions reduction target or a fixed-level target, rather than just an intensity target or a BAU baseline target
- Shorter-term emissions reduction target demonstrates at least 5% annual reduction and the target is on
track to being achieved
- If a city has a long-term target (2040-2050), intermediary targets have also been reported
- Reports the estimated emissions reduction of mitigation actions
- Describes the scale and resultant impact expected from mitigation actions
- Provides evidence of a city-wide action plan that has been implemented or is in implementation