(C4.5a) Provide details of your products and/or services that you classify as low-carbon products or that enable a third party to avoid GHG emissions.
Question dependencies
This question only appears if you select “Yes” in response to C4.5.
Response options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
Level of aggregation | Description of product/ Group of products | Are these low-carbon product(s) or do they enable avoided emissions? | Taxonomy, project, or methodology used to classify product(s) as low-carbon or to calculate avoided emissions | % revenue from low-carbon product(s) in the reporting year | Comment |
Select from:
| Text field [maximum 2,400 characters] | Select from:
| Select from:
| Numerical field [enter a number from 0-100 using a maximum of 2 decimal places and no commas] | Text field [maximum 2,400 characters] |
[Add Row]
C4.5a - Scoring criteria
Disclosure scoring criteria
Points will be awarded per completed cell in proportion to the number of rows disclosed. Partially completed rows will not receive full points. A maximum of 5 points are available for this question.
Awareness scoring criteria
This question is not scored for Awareness
Management scoring criteria
This question is not scored for Management
Leadership scoring criteria
This question is not scored for Leadership
Point Allocation
Disclosure numerator |
Disclosure denominator |
Awareness numerator |
Awareness denominator |
Management numerator | Management denominator | Leadership numerator | Leadership denominator |
5 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |