(C3.1c) Explain how climate-related issues are integrated into your business objectives and strategy.
Question dependencies
This question only appears if you select “Yes” in response to C3.1.
Response options
This is an open text question with a limit of 7,000 characters.
Please note that when copying from another document into the disclosure platform, formatting is not retained.
C3.1c - Scoring criteria
Disclosure scoring criteria
Text answer provided - 1 point
Awareness scoring criteria
Text answer to cover:
- An explanation of how business objectives and strategy have been influenced by climate-related issues - 1 point
- An explanation that is company specific - 1 point
Management scoring criteria
Full Awareness points must have been awarded to be eligible for points at Management level.
Text answer to cover:
i) Business strategy is linked to an emissions reductions target or energy reduction target - 2 points
ii) At least one example of the most substantial business decision made (or if none, this is stated) as a result of the integration of climate-related issues (both the business decision and the aspect of climate change that has influenced the business decision must be made clear) - 2 points
Please note: the business decision needs to be relevant to this reporting year but not necessarily made within this reporting year.
Leadership scoring criteria
If full Management points have been awarded - 1 point
Point Allocation
Disclosure numerator |
Disclosure denominator |
Awareness numerator |
Awareness denominator |
Management numerator | Management denominator | Leadership numerator | Leadership denominator |
1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 |