Appendix D: Target types
Renewable energy generation target
- Increase generation of renewable energy (all energy types)
- Increase generation of renewable electricity
- Increase generation of renewable heating and/or cooling
- Other renewable energy generation target type, please specify
Renewable energy consumption target
- Increase proportion of energy consumed from renewable sources (all energy types)
- Increase proportion of electricity consumed from renewable sources
- Increase proportion of heating and cooling consumed from renewable energy sources
- Other renewable energy consumption target type, please specify
Renewable energy installed capacity target
- Increase installed capacity of renewable energy (all energy types)
- Increase installed capacity of renewable electricity
- Increase installed capacity of renewable heating and/or cooling
- Other renewable energy installed capacity target type, please specify
Energy efficiency targets
- Reduction in energy consumption (jurisdiction-wide)
- Increase in energy efficiency (jurisdiction-wide)
- Increase energy efficiency of buildings (all buildings)
- Increase energy efficiency of buildings (residential buildings)
- Increase energy efficiency of buildings (government-owned buildings)
- Increase energy efficiency of buildings (commercial buildings)
- Increase energy efficiency of buildings, specify building types covered
- Other energy efficiency target type, please specify
Energy poverty/energy access target
- Increase average duration of available electricity
- Increase the percentage of population or households with access to electricity
- Improve the average yearly energy consumption per capita
- Reduction in energy poverty (population)
- Reduction in energy poverty (households)
- Increase access to clean cooking fuels and technologies (population)
- Increase access to clean cooking fuels and technologies (households)
- Addressing energy poverty
- Addressing energy access
- Other energy poverty/energy access target type, please specify
Building specific emissions reduction target
- All building types emissions reduction target
- Residential buildings emissions reduction target
- Municipal buildings emissions reduction target
- Commercial buildings emissions reduction target
- Commercial and municipal buildings emissions reduction target
- New buildings emissions reduction target
- Other buildings emissions target, please specify
Transport target
- Modal share targets
- Target to increase low-carbon/electric vehicles jurisdiction-wide
- Target to increase low-carbon/electric vehicles in government fleet
- Consumption of renewable energy in transportation
- Other transport target type, please specify
Waste target
- Target to reduce the municipal solid waste generation per capita
- Target to reduce the amount of municipal solid waste disposed to landfill and incineration
- Target to increase the diversion rate away from landfill and incineration
- Target to reduce food loss and/or waste
- Target to increase composting of food
- Target to increase methane recovery from landfills
- Target to increase capturing of biogas from food waste
- Target to increase the reuse of waste
- Target to increase the reuse of construction and demolition waste
- Target to increase the total waste generated that is recycled
- Target to increase the volume of wastewater treatment
- Target to increase the re-use of treated wastewater
- Other waste target type, please specify
Water target
- Target to increase water use efficiency
- Target to reduce water consumption
- Target to address pollution
- Target to increase WASH coverage
- Target towards net-zero water
- Target to restore/improve aquatic ecosystems
- Other water target type, please specify
AFOLU target
- Target to reduce deforestation
- Target to increase afforestation
- Target to increase reforestation
- Target to increase restoration of degraded forests
- Target to increase green space
- Forest cover target
- Other AFOLU target type, please specify
Food target
- Target to increase consumption of alternative and plant-based proteins
- Target to reduce consumption of animal-based proteins
- Target to reduce food-based emissions
- Target to increase sustainable agricultural practices in food production
- Target to reduce percentage of population that is food insecure and/or living in food deserts
- Target to reduce food loss and waste
- Other food-related target type, please specify
Air Quality
- Target to reduce PM2.5 concentrations (annual/24 hour)
- Target to reduce PM10 concentrations (annual/24 hour)
- Target to reduce O3 concentrations (peak season /8 hour)
- Target to reduce NO2 concentrations (Annual / 24 hour)
- Target to reduce SO2 concentrations (24 hour)
- Target to reduce CO concentrations (24 hour)
- Target to increase quantity of good air quality/low air pollution days
- Other air quality target, please specify