(SC4.2b) Complete the following table with data for lifecycle stages of your goods and/or services.
Question dependencies
This question only appears if you select “Yes, I will provide data” in response to SC4.1.
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CDP supply chain members are interested in the lifecycle emissions of the goods/services they are purchasing. This question allows your organization to provide these details, while outlining the lifecycle stages considered by your organization for these goods/services.
Response options
Please complete the following table. The table is displayed over several rows for readability. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
Name of good/ service | Please select the scope | Please select the lifecycle stage | Emissions at the lifecycle stage in kg CO2e per unit | Is this stage under your ownership or control? |
Text field [maximum 2,400 characters] |
Select from:
Select from:
Numerical field [enter a range of 0-999,999,999,999 using a maximum of 10 decimal places] |
Select from:
Type of data used | Data quality | If you are verifying/assuring this product emissions data, please tell us how |
Select from:
| Text field [maximum 2,500 characters] | Text field [maximum 5,000 characters] |
[Add Row]
Requested content
- If using the Export/Import functionality, it is essential that you check that data has entered correctly into each field in a question.
Name of good/service (column 1)
- Provide the name of the entries made in column 1 of SC4.2a. If responding to this question using the ORS use the ‘Add Row’ function to add multiple goods or services provided in SC4.2a.
Please select the lifecycle stage (column 3)
- Provide the lifecycle stages that are appropriate to the final/intermediate product for which you are providing data.
- You should add a row for each subsequent lifecycle stage. The “Add Row” function in the ORS can be found at the bottom right of the table.
- This column is used in conjunction with column 2 (Please select the scope), whereby the combined data will give CDP an accurate lifecycle stage. You are able to mix and match, for example ‘Waste’ could be a result of Scope 1 emissions if the waste is a result of the direct processing of a product, or it could be a result of Scope 3 emissions when waste is created through customer use of a product. Please continue to add rows for as many lifecycle stages you are able to provide data for. If the lifecycle stage you need is not available, for example, if you are trying to provide data for a service (in the case of a hotel stay, for instance - check in, use of room, check out, cleaning), please select ‘Other, please specify’ and write in the required data.
Emissions at the lifecycle stage in kg CO2e per unit (column 4)
- Report the emissions for the final/intermediate product in kg CO2e/unit of good or service for the given life cycle stage(s). If you are providing data for only a stage/s of the product’s lifecycle, the figure you supply will be the figure for that stage or aggregate for those stages.
Is this stage under your ownership or control? (column 5)
- Select “Yes” or “No” from the drop-down menu, depending on whether you have control over that particular operation. Use the definition of control you have used for your organizational boundary (financial/operational control).
Type of data used (column 6)
- Specify if you have used primary data, secondary data or both to calculate the emissions at this stage of the lifecycle. According to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, primary data is data from specific activities within the company’s value chain, while secondary data is data that is not from specific activities within the company’s value chain. Therefore, data obtained from a supplier who used proxy methods would not be considered to be primary data.
Data quality (column 7)
- Provide any information you consider relevant for your customers relative to the data quality used to produce the figure for this lifecycle stage. Consult Chapter 8 of the GHG Product Standard for help in assessing data quality.
If you are verifying/assuring this product emission data, please tell us how (column 8)
- CDP recognizes that the verification and assurance of product level data is still in the early stages of development. If you are taking steps to verify or assure the data you provide, please use the free text box to explain how. Please include any information as to what standard, if any, was used (e.g. PAS 2050, GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, etc.).