(C1.1b) Provide further details on the board’s oversight of climate-related issues.
Question dependencies
This question only appears if you select “Yes” in response to C1.1.
Change from last year
Minor change for FS only
This question provides an indication of the importance of climate-related issues to your business. Investors are interested in organizations’ understanding and approach to climate-related risks at the board level; how aligned this is with organizational strategy, plans of action, management policies, and performance objectives; and how the board monitors progress against targets and goals.
Connection to other frameworks
Governance recommended disclosure a) Describe the board’s oversight of climate related risks and opportunities.
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Response options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
Frequency with which climate-related issues are a scheduled agenda item | Governance mechanisms into which climate-related issues are integrated | [FINANCIAL SERVICES ONLY] Scope of board-level oversight | Please explain |
Select from:
Select all that apply:
Select all that apply:
Text field [maximum 3,000 characters] |
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Requested content
- You should consider the frequency that climate-related issues are a scheduled agenda item for the principal board-level committee having oversight for climate-related issues. This may be a subcommittee of the board, or the full board itself.
- If you select “Other, please specify” provide a label for the Frequency with which climate-related issues are a scheduled agenda item.
- Note that your response to this question may refer to the position of employees relevant to board oversight mechanisms. In this case, do not include the name of any individual or any other personal data in your response.
Governance mechanisms into which climate-related issues are integrated (column 2)
- Select all of the governance mechanisms in which climate-related issues are included.
Scope of board-level oversight [FINANCIAL SERVICES ONLY]
- Activities of a business may be both affected by climate change or contribute to climate change. For financial institutions these impacts may materialize via the organization’s own operations, the financial products and services offered to its clients, and/or its investments. This column seeks insight on whether an organization’s board considers both:
- How the risks posed or opportunities presented by climate change impact its business; and conversely
- How its business activities contribute either positively or negatively to climate change.
Please explain (column 3)
- Describe the governance mechanisms selected in column 2 and how these mechanisms contribute to the board's overall oversight of climate-related issues.
- Include such details as what climate issues are scheduled agenda items, who briefs the board and on which matters (e.g. "a report from each Business Head regarding performance against climate targets is reviewed quarterly").
- As much as possible, please give examples from the reporting year.