(C12.1b) Give details of your climate-related engagement strategy with your customers.
Question dependencies
This question only appears if you select “Yes, our customers/clients” in response to C12.1.
Change from last year
Modified guidance. Removed question for FS.
This question provides investors and data users with more transparency regarding companies' customer engagement processes. As the majority of most companies’ emissions occur outside their direct operations, data users are interested in understanding how organizations are working with their customers to drive best practice and ameliorate climate-related issues.
Connection to other frameworks
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Response options
Please complete the following table. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
Type of engagement | Details of engagement | % of customers by number | % customer-related Scope 3 emissions as reported in C6.5 | Please explain the rationale for selecting this group of customers and scope of engagement | Impact of engagement, including measures of success |
Select from:
Select from drop-down options below
Percentage field [enter a percentage from 0-100 using a maximum of 2 decimal places] |
Percentage field [enter a percentage from 0-100 using a maximum of 2 decimal places] |
Text field [maximum 2,400 characters] |
Text field [maximum 2,400 characters] |
[Add Row]
Details of engagement drop-down options:
Education/ information sharing
Select one of the following options:
- Run an engagement campaign to educate customers about your climate change performance and strategy
- Run an engagement campaign to educate customers about the climate change impacts of (using) your products, goods, and/or services
- Share information about your products and relevant certification schemes (i.e. Energy STAR)
Collaboration & Innovation
Select one of the following options:
- Run a campaign to encourage innovation to reduce climate change impacts
- Other, please specify
Requested content
Type of engagement (column 1)
- Select the type of engagement activity your organization participates in from the drop-down.
- If you select “Other, please specify,” provide a label for the “Type of engagement”.
Details of engagement (column 2)
- Expand on the “Type of engagement” (selected in column 1) your organization participates in by selecting the relevant details of engagement from the drop-down.
- Education/information sharing - Select this option if the aim of engagement is to educate and inform customers about climate change and GHG emissions but not necessarily instigate any specific action.
- Collaboration & innovation - Select this option if you specifically encourage your customers to develop new ways to reduce the climate change impacts of the products/services that they procure from you. This can include formal campaigns and calls for partnerships as well as informal opportunities to reduce negative impacts.
% of customers by number (column 3)
- Present as a percentage the number of customers participating in this engagement activity.
- [Financial services only] “Customers” refers to all customers, consumers, clients and policyholders that the organization provides financing and/or underwriting services to. For the purposes of this question the focus is on your corporate, commercial and industrial (C&I) customers as opposed to your retail customers. However, where appropriate, retail customers may also be considered.
% of customer-related Scope 3 emissions as reported in C6.5 (column 4)
- Only include the percentage of customer-related Scope 3 emissions reported in C6.5 that are attributable to customers participating in the activity selected in this row.
- [Financial services only] Additionally, as most of your customer-related Scope 3 emissions are attributable to Category 15 “Investments”, also consider the emissions that you report in C-FS14.1a/C-FS14.1b that are attributable to customers participating in the activity selected in this row.
Explain the rationale for selecting this group of customers and scope of engagement (column 5)
- Explain how and why this group of customers was chosen for the engagement selected in column 1 (e.g. proportion of revenue generated, geographic location, etc.). Description should be company-specific and include details on what the engagement activity entails.
- [Financial services only] Additionally, explain the type of portfolio the customers fall under and the basis of your answer to column “Portfolio coverage” column. This can be either total or outstanding commitments based.
Impact of engagement, including measures of success (column 6)
- Use this column to discuss the impact of this engagement and how you measure its success.
- Include a threshold at which you consider your impact to be successful with regard to the measure of success. For example, if you selected “Run an engagement campaign to educate customers about the climate change impacts of (using) your products, goods, and/or services” to educate customers on the energy saving settings of your products, the measure of success could be a 20% increase in customers enabling the energy saving settings of your products.
- Please provide examples of positive outcomes achieved. For example, this could include customers reducing use-phase GHG emissions or increasing renewable energy procurement.
Example response
See table below:
Type of engagement |
Details of engagement | % of customers by number | % of customer -related Scope 3 emissions as reported in C6.5 | Please explain the rationale for selecting this group of customers and scope of engagement. | Impact of engagement, including measures of success |
Education/information sharing | Run an engagement campaign to educate customers about the climate change impacts of (using) our products, goods, and/or services | 60 | 90 | As a manufacturer of consumer electronic goods, a number of our products have energy saving features that can enable our customers to reduce their energy consumption when using our devices. For example, since 2018 all of our mobile phones have an “Eco plus mode” that can reduce energy consumption and increase battery life by 60%. During the reporting year we ran an engagement campaign to educate our customers in Europe about the benefits of using Eco plus mode to reducing energy consumption and prevent climate change. All customers received a notification informing them of the benefits of Eco Plus mode, along with a shortcut button to enable it. The European market was chosen because it represents 60% of our customers by number, but these customers are responsible for 90% of our customer-related Scope 3 emissions as reported in C6.5, and use of the Eco Plus mode was low compared to other markets. We therefore prioritized this group of customers to maximize the impact of the campaign. Following our success, we plan to roll out the campaign to our remaining markets in our next reporting year. |
We measure the success of our engagement campaign by the % of customers who subsequently enabled Eco plus mode on their devices, with a threshold of 30% or above considered a success. Following the campaign, 52% of our 8 million European customers subsequently enabled Eco Plus mode on their mobile device. We estimate that the corresponding reduction in energy consumption resulted in a reduction of scope 3 use-phase GHG emissions by 32% in the reporting year. |