(C11.1d) What is your strategy for complying with the systems you are regulated by or anticipate being regulated by?
Question dependencies
This question only appears if you select “Yes” or “No, but we anticipate being regulated in the next three years” in response to C11.1
Change from last year
No change
This question provides data users with insight into an organizations long-term compliance and regulatory risk management strategy for the carbon pricing systems they are regulated by or anticipate being regulated by.
Connection to other frameworks
Goal 13: Climate action
Response options
This is an open text question with a limit of 5,000 characters.
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Requested content
- Some of the options for compliance include emissions reductions strategies, efficiency upgrades, purchase of allowances and the purchase of carbon credits.
- Depending on how long your company has been regulated by a carbon pricing system, efficiency upgrades may not provide the amount of reductions necessary to comply with regulations. If that is the case for your company, then you are also encouraged to detail your company’s long-term compliance and regulatory risk management strategy; including the specific metric(s) or mechanism(s) used – for example, a dedicated carbon risk management team or the use of an internal carbon price. If you use an internal carbon price, please make note of this here and provide specific details the subsequent question (C11.3a).