(C6.10) Describe your gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the reporting year in metric tons CO2e per unit currency total revenue and provide any additional intensity metrics that are appropriate to your business operations.
Change from last year
No change
Intensity measures describe an organization’s CO2e emissions in the context of another business metric. In this way, the emissions are normalized to account for growth etc. Many companies and investors have historically tracked environmental performance with intensity ratios.
Connection to other frameworks
Goal 13: Climate action
Response options
Please complete the following table. It is requested that you first report your emissions intensity figure per unit of currency total revenue. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
Intensity figure | Metric numerator (Gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions, metric tons CO2e) | Metric denominator | Metric denominator: Unit total | Scope 2 figure used | % change from previous year | Direction of change | Reason for change |
Numerical field [enter a number from 0- 999,999,999,999 using a maximum of 10 decimal places and no commas] |
Numerical field [enter a number from 0-999,999,999,999 using a maximum of 2 decimal places and no commas] |
Select from:
Numerical field [enter a number from 0-999,999,999,999,999 using a maximum of 2 decimal places and no commas] |
Select from:
Numerical field [enter a number from 0-999 using a maximum of 2 decimal places] |
Select from:
Text field [maximum 2,400 characters] |
[Add Row]
Requested content
- It is requested that you first report your emissions intensity figure per unit of currency total revenue and if applicable provide any additional intensity metrics that are appropriate to your business operations. The currency reported here should be the same one selected in C0.4. Emissions intensity per unit of revenue is one the most common and easy means to calculate emissions intensity, which is why it is requested that you provide this figure. However, this is not necessarily always the most appropriate to individual businesses and therefore you can also report an additional intensity or normalized metric that is most appropriate to your organization’s own operations.
- If you are a privately held organization, you may report whichever intensity is relevant for you. Please note that per unit of revenue is the preferred disclosure.
- If you did not disclose to CDP last year, or did not use this data point, please use last year’s inventory and financial data to provide a calculation of percentage change. If you did not measure your emissions last year, complete column 1 and explain why you do not have the data available in column 8.
- If your change in emissions intensity is attributed to a decline or an increase in your business output (products or services) due to the COVID-19 pandemic please state this in the column “Reason for change” and state how your output was affected.
Intensity figure (column 1)
- Intensity ratios express GHG impact per unit of physical activity or unit of economic output.
- Your intensity figure per unit of currency total revenue is calculated by dividing total Scope 1 and 2 emissions by unit revenue, making sure that the revenue figure used applies to the same organizational boundary as your emissions data.
- Important points to remember when calculating intensity are:
- Intensity = Emissions (metric tons CO2e) (Numerator) / Business metric (e.g. revenue) (Denominator)
- Numerator units: the intensity metrics requested in question C6.10 should have emissions in metric tons CO2e as the numerator. They should include Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions combined. This figure can be obtained by summing the figures given in answer to questions C6.1 and C6.3.
- Denominator units: When calculating your intensity, you should ensure that the units of your data match those specified in the intensity metric. For example, question C6.10 requests for intensity in metric tons CO2e per unit currency revenue. This means that your revenue figure (the denominator) should be in the currency you specified in C0.4 and in single units, i.e. if your revenue is 5 Million US$ your unit revenue is 5000000. Another example would be metric tons CO2e per MWh – if your data is in kWh you must convert it to MWh before using it in the calculation.
- Boundary and Exclusions: You should ensure that the organizational boundary and any exclusions specified for your numerator is the same as for your denominator. For example, when entering your emissions per FTE employee you should ensure that you only include those FTE employees that are within the sections of the organization covered by the organizational boundary of your emissions and take into account any exclusions (as specified in question C6.4a).
Metric numerator (column 2)
- This column is fixed and specifies that the emissions should be in metric tons CO2e, derived from your gross global Scope 1 emissions figure (question C6.1) plus your gross global Scope 2 emissions figure (question C6.3).
Metric denominator (column 3)
- To report your organization’s emissions intensity per unit currency total revenue, select "unit total revenue" in column 3 (metric denominator) for this figure.
- Please note that the denominator in the selection “unit total revenue” is per single unit (1) of the currency specified in question C0.4. Please do not report your revenue emissions intensity based on multiples of your selected currency (e.g. do not report in multiples of Yen). It is understood that this will likely result in your intensity figure being quite small (less than 0.01).
- If you select “Other, please specify”, provide a label for the Metric denominator.
Metric denominator: Unit total (column 4)
- Ensure that the metric denominator figure provided in this column is the same unit that was chosen in column 3.
- For example, if your chosen metric in the previous column was FTE, you should input here how many FTE you had during the reporting year.
Scope 2 figure used (column 5)
- Indicate which Scope 2 figure has been used in your metric numerator.
% change from previous year (column 6)
- If you have experienced no change, please enter 0 (zero) in this column.
- If the previous year’s figure has been reported but recalculated since, please use the recalculated figure for the calculation of percentage change and note this in the last column (8). The previous year compared should apply to the 12-month period directly prior to the reporting period, even if it does not completely overlap with the period previously reported to CDP.
Direction of change (column 7)
- A declining intensity ratio reflects a positive performance (improvement), while an increasing intensity ratio reflects a negative performance (decline).
- If the percentage change from last year is 0 (zero) select "No change".
Reason for change (column 8)
- Describe why your emissions intensity has changed. Explain the primary reasons behind the change and the degree to which different factors have influenced the figures.
- Specify if this change is due to emission reduction initiatives, including those reported in C4.3b.
Note for coal sector companies:
- Coal sector companies are requested to provide an emissions intensity figure per unit of currency total revenue and in addition, per metric ton of coal.
Note for electric utility sector companies:
- Electric utility sector organizations are requested to provide an emissions intensity figure per unit of currency total revenue and in addition, report your organization’s gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity per MWh of gross power generated and/or per MWh of power transmitted – make sure to select megawatt hour generated (MWh) and/or megawatt hour transmitted (MWh).
Note for oil and gas sector companies:
- Oil and gas sector organizations are requested to provide an emissions intensity figure per unit of currency total revenue.
- Please note that question C-OG6.12 asks oil and gas organizations to provide the intensity figures for Scope 1 emissions (metric tons CO2e) per unit of hydrocarbon category.
Note for transport OEMs and transport services sector companies:
- Transport OEMs and transport services sector organizations are requested to provide an emissions intensity figure per unit of currency total revenue.
- Please note that, dependent on the extent you are able to disaggregate your emissions intensity for each transport mode between Scopes 1, 2, and 3: Category 4 upstream transportation and distribution, transport services organizations are asked to provide primary intensity (activity-based) metrics that are appropriate to emissions from transport activities in Scope 1, 2, and 3 in question C-TS6.15.
Note for real estate sector companies:
- In addition to reporting emissions intensity figure per unit of currency total revenue, real estate companies should consider reporting emissions intensity by occupants or square area.
Note for capital goods sector companies:
- In addition to reporting an emissions intensity figure per unit of currency total revenue, capital goods companies should consider reporting emissions intensity by unit of production or unit of service provided.
- If you measure the emissions intensity of specific products or product ranges, you will have the opportunity to provide this information in questions C-CG8.5 and C-CG8.5a.
Explanation of terms
- Intensity metrics: Intensity metrics describe an organization’s CO2e emissions in the context of another business metric. In this way, the emissions are normalized to account for growth. Intensity is calculated by dividing the CO2e emissions figure (the numerator) by an alternative business metric (the denominator), such as the number of full-time equivalent employees, the revenue or tons of aggregate produced.
- Revenue: Income arising in the course of an entity’s ordinary activities (less returns, allowances and discounts) - before deducting costs for the goods/services sold and operating expenses to arrive at profit (based on the International Financial Reporting Standard).
Example response
Worked example of calculating emissions intensities figures
A reporting organization has gross total combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions of 300,000 metric tons CO2e, revenue of 5 Million US$ and 3,000 FTE employees. In this case, the company could calculate and report its emission intensity figures by revenue and by FTE as follows:
1. Emissions intensity in metric tons CO2e per unit currency total revenue
Intensity = 300,000 (metric tons CO2e)/5,000,000 (US$)= 0.06
2. Emissions intensity in metric tons CO2e per FTE employee
Intensity = 300,000 (metric tons CO2e)/3,000 (FTE employee)= 100
Intensity figure | Metric numerator (Gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions) | Metric denominator | Metric denominator: Unit total | Scope 2 figure used | % change from previous year | Direction of change | Reason for change |
0.06 | 300,000 | unit total revenue |
5,000,000 | Market-based |
3 | Decreased |
Our organization has reduced our emissions as we transition our fleet to electric vehicles |
100 | 300,000 | full time equivalent (FTE) | 3,000 | Market-based | 4 | Decreased | In addition to reducing our emissions by shifting to electric vehicles we have hired more full time employees in the reporting year |