(C1.2a) Describe where in the organizational structure this/these position(s) and/or committees lie, what their associated responsibilities are, and how climate-related issues are monitored.
Response options
This is an open text question with a limit of 5,000 characters.
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C1.2a - Scoring criteria
Disclosure scoring criteria
Text answer provided. - 1 point
Awareness scoring criteria
Text answer provides:
- A description of where in the organisational structure that/those position(s) and/or committee(s) lies - 1 point
- A clear rationale for why responsibility lies with that/those position(s) and/or committee(s) - 1 point
If "There is no management level responsibility for climate-related issues" is selected in column "Name of the position(s) and/or committee(s)" in question C1.2 - 0 points
Management scoring criteria
If option "Risk committee" OR "Sustainability/SHEQ committee" OR "Corporate responsibility committee" selected in column "Name of the position(s) and/or committee(s)" in C1.2, a role descritpion of committee member(s) must be provided as a prerequisite to be eligible for Management points.
Text answer to cover:
- Company specific description of responsibilities - 1 point
- Description of positon(s)/committee(s) specific climate-related issues monitoring process - 1 point
If "There is no management level responsibility for climate-related issues" is selected in column "Name of the position(s) and/or committee(s)" in question C1.2 - 0 points
Leadership scoring criteria
This question is not scored for Leadership
Point Allocation
Disclosure numerator |
Disclosure denominator |
Awareness numerator |
Awareness denominator |
Management numerator | Management denominator | Leadership numerator | Leadership denominator |
1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 |