(C7.9a) Identify the reasons for any change in your gross global emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined), and for each of them specify how your emissions compare to the previous year.
Question dependencies
This question only appears if you select “Increased”, “Decreased” or “Remained the same overall” in response to C7.9.
Response options
Please complete the following table:
Reason | Change in emissions (metric tons CO2e) | Direction of change | Emissions value (percentage) | Please explain calculation |
Change in renewable energy consumption |
Numerical field [enter a number from 0-999,999,999,999 using a maximum of 2 decimal places and no commas] |
Select from:
Numerical field [enter a number from 0-999 using a maximum of 2 decimal places and no commas] |
Text field [maximum 2,400 characters] |
Other emissions reduction activities |
Divestment |
Acquisitions |
Mergers |
Change in output |
Change in methodology |
Change in boundary |
Change in physical operating conditions |
Unidentified |
Other |
C7.9a - Scoring criteria
Disclosure scoring criteria
The following columns must all be completed in at least one row to score 4 points:
- Change in emissions (metric tons CO2e)
- Emissions value (percentage);
- Direction of change;
- Please explain calculation
Awareness scoring criteria
- "Increased" OR "Decreased" is selected in column "Direction of change"
AND if:
- The figure in "Emissions value (percentage)" column is higher than zero - 1 point
- The figure in "Change in emissions (metric tons CO2e)" is higher than zero - 1 point
- At least 1 row (other than for reason of change "Unidenified" or "Other") is completed - 1 point
- "Remained the same" is selected in C7.9;
- "No change" is selected in all rows for column "Direction of change" - 3 points
Note: If no figures are provided for Emissions value (percentage), or figures are zero AND the only row completed is "unidentified" - maximum possible score 0/3 points
Management scoring criteria
Full points must have been scored at Awareness level to be eligible for Management points. Row's "Change in Renewable energy consumption" and "Other emissions reduction activities" cannot be completed with "Increased" in column "Direction of change" to be eligible for Management points.
If the rows "Other emission reduction activities" AND/OR "Change in Renewable Energy consumption":
- Has a "Change in emissions (metric tons CO2e)" figure above zero; AND
- Has a "Emissions value (percentage)" above zero; AND
- Has a "Direction of change" as "Decreased" AND
- The formula used in calculation of figure in column "Emissions value (percentage)" is consistent with figure in "Change in emissions (metric tons CO2e)" AND is consistent with guidance for 7.9a, AND fully provided in "Please explain calculation" column. - 5 points.
The figure provided in each row should be an assessment of how the previous reporting year's total Scope 1 & 2 emissions compare to the current reporting year. Pro-rating or averaging of emissions reductions over a number of years will not be awarded points. Please also ensure that you have read CDP's guidance on accounting for renewable energy. Emissions reductions achieved through carbon offsetting will not be awarded points in C7.9a
Leadership scoring criteria
Full management points must have been awarded to be eligible for points at Leadership level.
If for rows "Other emission reduction activities" AND/OR "Change in Renewable Energy consumption":
i) Full Management points have been awarded - 1 point; AND
ii) If the sum of the figure provided in "Emissions value (percentage)" is equal to, or greater than:
- 2.1% - 0.5 points; OR
- 4% - 1 point
Please note points will only be awarded for the rows where full Management points would have been awarded for all four criteria.
Point Allocation
Disclosure numerator |
Disclosure denominator |
Awareness numerator |
Awareness denominator |
Management numerator | Management denominator | Leadership numerator | Leadership denominator |
4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 2 |