(C4.2b) Provide details of any other climate-related targets, including methane reduction targets.
Question dependencies
This question only appears if you select “Other climate-related target(s)” or “Target(s) to reduce methane emissions” in response to C4.2.
Change from 2020
Modified guidance
Connection to frameworks
Metrics & Targets recommended disclosure a) Disclose the metrics used by the organization to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process.
Metrics & Targets recommended disclosure c) Describe the targets used by the organization to manage climate related risks and opportunities and performance against targets.
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Goal 13: Climate action
2018 RobecoSAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (DJSI)
Climate-related targets
Response options
Please complete the following table. The table is displayed over several rows for readability. You are able to add rows by using the “Add Row” button at the bottom of the table.
Target reference number
Year target was set
Target coverage
Target type: absolute or intensity
Target type: category
Metric (target numerator if reporting an intensity target)
Target denominator (intensity targets only)
Oth1 – Oth100
Numerical field [enter a number between 1900- 2021]
Select from:
- Company-wide
- Business division
- Business activity
- Site/facility
- Country/region
- Product level
- Other, please specify
Select from:
Select from:
- Energy productivity
- Energy consumption or efficiency
- Renewable fuel production
- Renewable fuel consumption
- Waste management
- Resource consumption or efficiency
- Low-carbon vehicles
- Low-carbon buildings
- Land use change
- Methane reduction target
- Fossil fuel reduction target
- Engagement with suppliers
- Engagement with customers
- R&D investments
- Green finance
- Other, please specify
Select from drop-down options below
Select from drop-down options below
Base year
Figure or percentage in base year
Target year
Figure or percentage in target year
Figure or percentage in reporting year
% of target achieved
Numerical field [enter a number between 1900- 2021]
Numerical field [enter a number from 0- 999,999,999,999 using a maximum of 10 decimal places and no commas]
Numerical field [enter a number between 2000- 2100]
Numerical field [enter a number from 0- 999,999,999,999 using a maximum of 10 decimal places and no commas]
Numerical field [enter a number from 0- 999,999,999,999 using a maximum of 10 decimal places and no commas]
Percentage field |
Target status in reporting year
Is this target part of an emissions target?
Is this target part of an overarching initiative?
Please explain (including target coverage)
Select from:
- New
- Underway
- Achieved
- Expired
- Revised
- Replaced
- Retired
Text field [maximum 2,400 characters [Emissions reduction target ID]
Select from:
- EP100
- EV100
- Below50 – sustainable fuels
- Science Based Targets initiative
- Reduce short-lived climate pollutants
- Remove deforestation
- Low-Carbon Technology Partnerships initiative
- No, it’s not part of an overarching initiative
- Other, please specify
Text field [maximum 2,400 characters]
[Add Row]
Metric (target numerator if reporting an intensity target) drop-down options:
Select one of the following options:
Energy productivity
- USD ($) value-added
- units of revenue
- ounces of gold
- ounces of platinum
- metric tons of aggregate
- metric tons of aluminum
- metric tons of steel
- metric tons of cement
- metric tons of cardboard
- metric tons of product
- metric tons of ore processed
- square meters
- kilometers
- passenger kilometers
- revenue passenger kilometers
- liters of product
- units of production
- units of service provided
- square feet
- megawatt hours (MWh)
- barrel of oil equivalents (BOE)
- ton of oil equivalents (TOE)
- ton of coal equivalents (TCE)
- Other, please specify
Energy consumption or efficiency
- kWh
- MWh
- GJ
- million Btu
- boe
- toe
- tce
- Gcal
- Other, please specify
Renewable fuel production
- metric tons of solid biomass
- liters of liquid biofuel
- cubic meters of biogas
- cubic meters of hydrogen
- Other, please specify
Renewable fuel consumption
- metric tons of solid biomass
- liters of liquid biofuel
- cubic meters of biogas
- cubic meters of hydrogen
- Percentage of total fuel consumption that is from renewable sources
- Other, please specify
Waste management
- metric tons of waste diverted from landfill
- metric tons of waste recycled
- metric tons of waste reused
- metric tons of waste generated
- Percentage of total waste generated that is recycled
- Percentage of sites operating at zero-waste to landfill
- Other, please specify
Resource consumption or efficiency
- Percentage of paper from recycled or certified sustainable sources
- metric tons of paper consumed
- Percentage of plastic form recycled sources
- metric tons of plastic consumed
- Percentage of packaging from recycled or certified sustainable sources
- metric tons of packaging consumed
- Other, please specify
Low-carbon vehicles
- Percentage of low-carbon vehicles in company fleet
- Percentage of low-carbon vehicles sold
- Percentage of company fleet using biofuel
- Percentage of battery electric vehicles in company fleet
- Percentage of conventional hybrids in company fleet
- Percentage of plug-in hybrids in company fleet
- Percentage of fuel cell electric vehicles in company fleet
- Percentage of company facilities with electric vehicle infrastructure
- Other, please specify
Low-carbon buildings
- Percentage of net zero carbon buildings
- Percentage of net zero energy buildings
- Percentage of buildings with a green building certificate
- Other, please specify
Land use change
- hectares reforested
- hectares afforested
- hectares restored
- Percent of supply chain compliant with zero gross deforestation
- Other, please specify
Methane reduction target
- cubic meters of methane vented
- cubic meters of methane leaked
- cubic meters of methane flared
- Total methane emissions in m3
- Total methane emissions in CO2e
- Methane leakage rate (%)
- Other, please specify
Fossil fuel reduction target
- cubic meters of natural gas consumed
- metric tons of coal consumed
- barrels of oil consumed
- Percentage of fossil fuels in the fuel mix
- Other, please specify
Engagement with suppliers
- Percentage of suppliers disclosing their GHG emissions
- Percentage of suppliers setting emissions reduction targets
- Percentage of suppliers with a science-based target
- Percentage of suppliers actively engaged on climate-related issues
- Other, please specify
Engagement with customers
- Percentage of customers disclosing their GHG emissions
- Percentage of customers setting emissions reduction targets
- Percentage of customers with a science-based target
- Percentage of customers actively engaged on climate-related issues
- Other, please specify
R&D investments
- Percentage of annual revenue invested in R&D of low-carbon products/services
- US$ invested in R&D of low-carbon products/services
- Percentage of R&D budget/portfolio dedicated to low-carbon products/services
- Other, please specify
Green finance
- Total amount of green bonds outstanding (green bond ratio)
- Percentage of green bonds
- Total amount of green debt instruments outstanding (green debt ratio)
- Percentage of green debt instruments
- Green finance raised and facilitated (denominated in currency)
- Green investments (denominated in currency)
- Percentage of green investments
- Other, please specify
Target denominator (intensity targets only) drop-down options:
Select one of the following options:
- KWh
- MWh
- GJ
- Btu
- boe
- toe
- tce
- Gcal
- revenue passenger kilometer
- USD($) value-added
- square meter
- metric ton of aluminum
- metric ton of steel
- metric ton of cement
- metric ton of cardboard
- unit revenue
- unit FTE employee
- unit hour worked
- metric ton of product
- liter of product
- unit of production
- unit of service provided
- square foot
- kilometer
- passenger kilometer
- megawatt hour (MWh)
- barrel of oil equivalent (BOE)
- vehicle produced
- metric ton of ore processed
- ounce of gold
- ounce of platinum
- metric ton of aggregate
- billion (currency) funds under management
- hectare
- metric ton of waste
- liter of fuel
- year
- total amount of bonds outstanding at the end of the reporting period
- total amount of debt outstanding at the end of the reporting period
- Other, please specify